An experienced teacher shares her expertise through articles that cover most every area of teaching. Also personally answers questions through email. Named in honor of Bishop Isaac T. Wiley, an outstanding minister, medical missionary and educator, Wiley College was founded in 1873 during turbulent times for Blacks. Remember the Titans is a 2000 American sports film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Boaz Yakin. The screenplay, written by Gregory Allen Howard, is based. Things to Do in Edmonton in October Events, Activities and Festivals happening in Edmonton during the month of October 2017. Activities For The Great Debaters Denzel' title='Activities For The Great Debaters Denzel' />
Teacher Resources and Tools Teaching. Tips. com. Everyone has a story of their favorite teacher and how they were inspired to graduate, appreciate a certain subject or achieve a certain academic, professional or personal goal. The teachers in this list have inspired whole communities. Some have even transcended the generations of their students and continue to influence the way we view philosophy, education, politics and humanity. Keep reading for our picks of 2. Historical Leaders. This list features some of the most successful and well respected thinkers and teachers from antiquity to the twentieth century. Through research and discoveries and philosophy and mathematics, as well as the firm belief in the fundamental rights of all human beings, these teachers are still admired today. Socrates Educators, philosophers, politicians and scientists all over the world acknowledge that Socrates was one of the most enlightened teachers and thinkers in our history. Through students like Plato, Socrates encouraged the pursuit of virtue through critical thinking and questioning. This system has affected all industries and fields of study and has inspired other great philosophers. Annie Sullivan Annie Sullivan is best known as being Helen Kellers instructor. She coached her deaf and blind student by giving her obedience and social etiquette lessons, as well as teaching her Braille. Sullivan became well known and respected for her teaching methods and for being able to help Keller progress well beyond her expected potential. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Sullivan traveled with Keller to give lectures and was supported by Alexander Graham Bell and Andrew Carnegie. Sullivan was also recognized by Temple University and other educational institutes for her tireless teaching and commitment to Helen Keller. Leona Edwards Leona Edwards was the mother and teacher of the civil rights legend Rosa Parks. In a 1. 99. 5 interview with the Academy of Achievement, Parks credits her mother with inspiring her to believe in freedom and equality for people. She says that her mother did not have the notion that we were supposed to live as we did, under legally enforced racial segregation. Edwards was a teacher in a small school in Montgomery, AL, and her basic faith in the fundamental rights of all human beings could be credited as indirectly responsible for her daughters reputation as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Nathan Hale Nathan Hale was a devout revolutionary and patriot who was hanged in September of 1. He famously declared, I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country, inspiring courage and honor in his fellow soldiers and future fellow Americans. Before the Revolutionary War, Hale was a teacher in Massachusetts and then later in Connecticut. According to the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Hale considered the question whether the higher education of women were not neglected and eventually opened up a special class just for female students. When the Revolutionary War broke out, Hale joined the militia and eventually spied on the British troops, for which he was hanged. Verrocchio Verrocchio is still considered one of the greatest Florentine sculptors and painters, but his pupil Leonoardo da Vinci is perhaps the most well known Renaissance artist in the world. Verrocchio is credited as teaching Leonardo basic skills and nurturing his genius, and it was in Verrocchios studio, according to the art historian Giorgio Vasari, that Leonardo gave the first great demonstration of his ability when he assisted in painting Verrocchios Baptism of Christ. Walt Whitman Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass is considered one of the most important works of poetry in the nineteenth century. Like many writers, Whitman was a teacher in his early professional life, on Long Island, NY. He later became a journalist and political activist in Brooklyn, in addition to writing poems that introduced new and often controversial themes like the poets individuality, rebirth, democracy and the elements of both body and soul. Movies. Lights, camera, action. This collection provides movie reviews, awards season guides, and roundups, plus articles about the history of the industry, how to. His poems influenced other major American poets like Emily Dickinson and Allen Ginsberg, and is a poet not only of America but of the whole of mankind. Harriet Beecher Stowe When Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Toms Cabin, he famously remarked, So youre the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war. As a child in Connecticut, Harriet Beecher attended her sisters seminary and eventually became an assistant teacher there. In the 1. 84. 0s, she founded a new school with her sister in Ohio, where the family had moved and where Harriet married Calvin Stowe. Onone Plugin Suite 5 Iso. In Ohio, Stowe often studied and communicated with slaves who fled to her free state from Kentucky. When she and her husband moved to Maine, Stowe wrote Uncle Toms Cabin, which revealed the harsh treatment of slaves in America and enraged critics and slaveowners. The Ohio History Central website maintains that Stowes book did cause more and more Northerners to consider ending the institution of slavery. Lyndon B. Johnson Lyndon B. Johnson was often harshly criticized for his handling of the Vietnam War as President of the United States, but before he even made it to Washington, LBJ was a teacher in South Texas. Johnson attended the Southwest Texas State Teachers College and served as principal at a Mexican American school during a brief break from college. After graduating, Johnson taught at Pearsall High School in Pearsall, TX, and led his debate team to to win the district championship when he taught at Sam Houston High School in Houston. John Adams As a respected patriot and lawyer involved with the drafting of the U. S. Constitution and the 2nd president of the United States, John Adams made a drastic impact on the shaping of the United States. Before getting into politics, however, John Adams graduated from Harvard College and became a teacher. He was greatly respected and admired for his independence, intelligence, and his devotion to and involvement with the Continental Congresses, the Declaration of Independence, various peace processes and the presidency. Pythagoras Pythagoras, also known as the father of numbers, was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who invented the Pythagorean theorem, which is still taught and used today. Though Pythagoras spent much of his life traveling and learning, he also became a teacher in India, where he is still known as the Ionian teacher, or Yavanacharya. He later built an educational institute in Croatia to teach philosophy and basic moral training. Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton is credited with discovering the theory of gravity, but he was also a Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, appointed by Isaac Barrow. During this time, Newton made advances in his optical research. Roger Bacon During the second half of his life, Roger Bacon lived the simple life of a friar in England during the 1. As a younger man, however, he studied geometry, mathematics, philosophy and astronomy in Paris, where he was also a teacher. Bacon made groundbreaking discoveries and conducted experiments in these areas, understanding how each field was closely intertwined with the other. Bacon was also known as Doctor Mirabilis, which in Latin translates to wonderful teacher. Wikipedia acknowledges that he is sometimes credited as one of the earliest European advocates of the modern scientific method. Pop Culture Icons. From popular authors to real life teachers who inspired Hollywood movies as well as their students, these teachers can also be considered pop culture icons. Ayn Rand Ayn Rands novels like The Fountainhead and Anthem, as well as nonfiction works like The Romantic Manifesto and The New Left The Anti Industrial Revolution introduced controversial topics that affected the ways in which people all over the world considered gender roles, identity, sexuality, war and peace, capitalism and religion.