Can Mold Grow In Window Air Conditioner

Can Mold Grow In Window Air Conditioner

Mold Testing Air Quality and Lab Results Interpretation. People with asthma and mold allergies are the first to ask about mold testing. Since their symptoms are primarily respiratory, it is only logical they ask for air quality testing. Other individuals looking for peace of mind or suffering much more severe symptoms sometimes also ask for mold testing air quality services. This blog is about air quality testing and some of the variables and limitations that should be considered in every mold testing job. Part of our job is to help develop a mold testing air quality sampling plan specific to your project, and to help interpret the lab results in light of discoveries made during the visual inspection. Ive heard mold testing described as an art and a science, and I agree with that sentiment. Since its not a federally regulated contaminant it has been a little bit of the wild west in terms of who tests, what they test for, and how the results are interpreted. For a customer that should scare you Most experts, including the EPA and California Department of Public Health, suggest only testing under very specific conditions. In general, a moisture and mold inspection by a qualified professional is far more useful in determining if a mold problem exists. However, there are some circumstances that warrant additional air quality testing. The most commonly referred to guidance for how to perform mold inspections and whenhow to test for mold is the AIHA Green Book, Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Indoor Mold. Interpreting the results of mold sampling is no easy task. Thats why many mold inspectors merely hand off some unintelligible lab report and run for it. Mold Testing AIHA Green Book. Here are three general reasons that justify mold testing 1 Determining scope of contamination. Determine type of contamination. Clearance testing. Mold Testing What Type of Air Quality Testing Method If mold testing is pursued, these are the three most common types of samples collected Air sampling the most common form of sampling to assess the level of mold. Sampling of the inside and outdoor air is conducted and the results to the level of mold spores inside the premises and outside are compared. Often, air sampling will provide positive identification of the existence of non visible mold. Surface samples sampling the amount of mold spores deposited on indoor surfaces tape, and dust samples. Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD is a strong believer in dust sampling using the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index ERMI. Bulk samples the removal of materials from the contaminated area to identify and determine the concentration of mold in the sample. In this blog we focus on air quality testing. There are four ways of air quality testing for mold Sporetrap non viable non culturable sampling. While controversial, this is the most common type of mold testing we see performed in the industry. A calibrated pump draws a known volume of air over a greased slide. This is an impaction method of collecting spores. Troubleshooting Simple Problems. You can easily fix many common issues with your window unit air conditioner. Troubleshoot the unit for these simple problems before. Based on a direct microscopic examination of a portion of the slide, the lab extrapolates how many spores are present per cubic meter, and can identify many common genera of mold. One weakness of direct visual examination is that some common genera, such as Penicillium and Aspergillus, cannot be differentiated and reported cumulatively. Another obvious weakness is that heavier spores, such as Stachybotrys, may be present but not aerosolized and therefore underreported if only air sampling is performed. Pitri Dish style, viable culturable sampling. The second most common type of air sampling for mold is also an impaction style collector. A petri dish with a growing media is placed beneath a pin holed cap and air is drawn over the petri dish. The petri dish is then incubated and visually inspected so the number of colony forming units CFUs of different types of molds are identified and counted. Common types of mold growth media are Malt Extract Agar MEA, Potato Dextrose Agar PDA, and Hay Infusion Agar. A strength of this method is that molds can be especiated. So in addition to differentiating between genera like Penicillium and Aspergillus, using viable culturable analysis you can identify if the mold is Aspergillus niger, or Penicillium marneffei. This can be valuable information since there are hundreds of species within each genera, and some are more toxigenic than others. Some weakness of this sampling method include the fact that different molds prefer different growth media, temperatures and moisture levels, but the lab will just use a standard setting unless instructed otherwise. So to get a more complete picture of the viable airborne spores in one space you may need to collect numerous petri dish samples using different agars and to be incubated under different growing conditions. Crack De Operation Flashpoint Resistance Missions. Can Mold Grow In Window Air Conditioner' title='Can Mold Grow In Window Air Conditioner' />Some molds grow well under lab conditions, and others dont. Some molds produce powerful chemical weapons used against neighboring colonies, which can influence the number of CFUs counted for both species. Mold Testing Petri Dish Impactor. Microbial Volatile Organic Compound MVOC sampling. When molds are wet and have food they grow. When mold is eating it produces metabolic byproduct gases known as MVOCs. Air samples can either be collected in a summa canister or sorbent tube, and the lab analyzes the air sample for a limited set of microbial VOCs. MVOC indicator gases include but are not limited to the following Furan, 1 and 2 Pentanol, 2 Hexanone, 2 Heptanone, 1 and 3 Octanol, and Geosmin. Most MVOC scans are limited in that they do not analyze for every possible MVOC, and most MVOCs have not been directly tied to a single species of mold so extrapolating from just MVOC data is rather limiting. If you smell musty odors you are probably inhaling MVOCs. Its a sign of active microbial growth and can be tested via air sampling. MVOC Testing for Mold. MVOC Mold Testing with Sorbent Tube or Summa Canister. Mycotoxin Testing. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungi. These are basically self produced chemical weapons wich can harm other fungus, and can also cause disease and death in humans. Although the primary concern for humans is for ingestion, inhalation is also of concern. Few indoor environmental consultants are currently testing for mycotoxins. The three most commonly analyzed mycotoxins include aflatoxin, trichothecenes, and ochratoxin. The lab utilizes polymerase chain reaction PRC analysis to identify and quantify mycotoxins in air samples. Samples are collected in 3. Whereas the above referenced types of lab analysis rely on a lab technicians ability to visually identify and count PCR has over a 9. Mold Testing How to Interpret Lab Results and Air Quality Data So youve had an inspection and received the lab results what does it all mean Companies that just send convoluted lab reports without further explanation should be put out of business. It is the role of the Certified Indoor Environmental Professional to help interpret the lab results in combination with what was gleaned from the visual inspection. Sporetrap lab results should include, at the VERY minimum, one outdoor sample and a handful of indoor samples. The outdoor sample is used as a control to compare to the indoor samples. Because there can be such variation in sporetrap samples the statistical significance from collecting so few samples is very limited. Most labs simply share a chart showing how many of which type of genera were present. Sporetrap Chart Mold Testing Non Viable, Non Culturable. Some labs offer their own limited interpretation, such as the Mold. Score from EMLab P K. Mold. SCORE is a specialized method for examining air sampling data. It is a score between 1. Below you can see some obvious spikes that EMLab identified as statistically significant higher counts of Cladosporium and PenAsp indoors compared to outdoors. Mold Testing Lab Interpretation. Some Building Biologists refer back to the Healthy Home Standard for guidance on interpreting sporetrap results Building Biology Sporetrap Interpretation Method. CDC Mold General Information. What are molds Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors. No one knows how many species of fungi exist but estimates range from tens of thousands to perhaps three hundred thousand or more. Molds grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth. Top of Page. What are some of the common indoor molds Cladosporium. Penicillium. Alternaria. Aspergillus Top of Page. How do molds affect people Some people are sensitive to molds. For these people, exposure to molds can cause symptoms such as nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation. Some people, such as those with serious allergies to molds, may have more severe reactions. Severe reactions may occur among workers exposed to large amounts of molds in occupational settings, such as farmers working around moldy hay. Severe reactions may include fever and shortness of breath. Some people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may develop mold infections in their lungs. In 2. 00. 4 the Institute of Medicine IOM found there was sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in otherwise healthy people with asthma symptoms in people with asthma and with hypersensitivity pneumonitis in individuals susceptible to that immune mediated condition. The IOM also found limited or suggestive evidence linking indoor mold exposure and respiratory illness in otherwise healthy children. In 2. 00. 9, the World Health Organization issued additional guidance, the WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality Dampness and MouldPDF 2. MB. Other recent studies have suggested a potential link of early mold exposure to development of asthma in some children, particularly among children who may be genetically susceptible to asthma development, and that selected interventions that improve housing conditions can reduce morbidity from asthma and respiratory allergies, but more research is needed in this regard. Top of Page. Where are molds foundMolds are found in virtually every environment and can be detected, both indoors and outdoors, year round. Mold growth is encouraged by warm and humid conditions. Outdoors they can be found in shady, damp areas or places where leaves or other vegetation is decomposing. Indoors they can be found where humidity levels are high, such as basements or showers. Top of Page. How can people decrease mold exposure Sensitive individuals should avoid areas that are likely to have mold, such as compost piles, cut grass, and wooded areas. Inside homes, mold growth can be slowed by controlling humidity levels and ventilating showers and cooking areas. If there is mold growth in your home, you should clean up the mold and fix the water problem. Mold growth can be removed from hard surfaces with commercial products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of household laundry bleach in 1 gallon of water. Follow the manufacturers instructions for use see product label. If you choose to use bleach to clean up mold Never mix bleach with ammonia or other household cleaners. Mixing bleach with ammonia or other cleaning products will produce dangerous, toxic fumes. Open windows and doors to provide fresh air. Wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and goggles during cleanup of affected area. If the area to be cleaned is more than 1. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA guide titled Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings. Although focused on schools and commercial buildings, this document also applies to other building types. You can get it by going to the EPA web site at https www. Always follow the manufacturers instructions when using bleach or any other cleaning product. Specific Recommendations Keep humidity levels as low as you canno higher than 5. An air conditioner or dehumidifier will help you keep the level low. Bear in mind that humidity levels change over the course of a day with changes in the moisture in the air and the air temperature, so you will need to check the humidity levels more than once a day. Use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier during humid months. Be sure the home has adequate ventilation, including exhaust fans. Add mold inhibitors to paints before application. Clean bathrooms with mold killing products. Do not carpet bathrooms and basements. Remove or replace previously soaked carpets and upholstery. Top of Page. What areas have high mold exposures Antique shops. Greenhouses. Saunas. Farms. Mills. Construction areas. Flower shops. Summer cottages Top of Page. I found mold growing in my home, how do I test the moldGenerally, it is not necessary to identify the species of mold growing in a residence, and CDC does not recommend routine sampling for molds. Current evidence indicates that allergies are the type of diseases most often associated with molds. Since the susceptibility of individuals can vary greatly either because of the amount or type of mold, sampling and culturing are not reliable in determining your health risk. If you are susceptible to mold and mold is seen or smelled, there is a potential health risk therefore, no matter what type of mold is present, you should arrange for its removal. Furthermore, reliable sampling for mold can be expensive, and standards for judging what is and what is not an acceptable or tolerable quantity of mold have not been established. Top of Page. A qualified environmental lab took samples of the mold in my home and gave me the results. Can CDC interpret these resultsStandards for judging what is an acceptable, tolerable, or normal quantity of mold have not been established. If you do decide to pay for environmental sampling for molds, before the work starts, you should ask the consultants who will do the work to establish criteria for interpreting the test results. They should tell you in advance what they will do or what recommendations they will make based on the sampling results. The results of samples taken in your unique situation cannot be interpreted without physical inspection of the contaminated area or without considering the buildings characteristics and the factors that led to the present condition. Top of Page. What type of doctor should I see concerning mold exposureYou should first consult a family or general health care provider who will decide whether you need referral to a specialist. Such specialists might include an allergist who treats patients with mold allergies or an infectious disease physician who treats mold infections. If an infection is in the lungs, a pulmonary physician might be recommended. Patients who have been exposed to molds in their workplace may be referred to an occupational physician. CDC is not a clinical facility. CDC does not see patients, diagnose illness, provide treatment, prescribe medication, or provide referrals to health care providers. Top of Page. My landlord or builder will not take any responsibility for cleaning up the mold in my home. Where can I go for help If you feel your property owner, landlord, or builder has not been responsive to concerns youve expressed regarding mold exposure, you can contact your local board of health or housing authority. Applicable codes, insurance, inspection, legal, and similar issues about mold generally fall under state and local not federal jurisdiction. You could also review your lease or building contract and contact local or state government authorities, your insurance company, or an attorney to learn more about local codes and regulations and your legal rights. CDC does not have enforcement power in such matters, nor can we provide you with advice. You can contact your county or state health department about mold issues in your area to learn about what mold assessment and remediation services they may offer.

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