Additionally, the compiled version of the procedure contains information about each remote procedure that it references, including the remote procedures schema, package name, procedure name, and time stamp. When a dependent procedure is used, Oracle Database compares the remote time stamps recorded at compile time with the current time stamps of the remotely referenced procedures. Depending on the result of this comparison, two situations can occur The local and remote procedures run without compilation if the time stamps match. The local procedure is invalidated if any time stamps of remotely referenced procedures do not match, and an error is returned to the calling environment. Furthermore, all other local procedures that depend on the remote procedure with the new time stamp are also invalidated. Bugzilla is the best open source bug tracking system. Very simple to use with lot of features. Bugzilla allows you to track the bugs and collaborate with d. Software Compiling LLVM requires that you have several software packages installed. The table below lists those required packages. The Package column is the usual. Go is a tool for managing Go source code. Usage go command arguments The commands are build compile packages and dependencies clean remove object files. These instructions will also work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2. Oracle Database 10g on other Linux Distributions People recommended this installation. For example, assume several local procedures call a remote procedure, and the remote procedure is recompiled. When one of the local procedures is run and notices the different time stamp of the remote procedure, every local procedure that depends on the remote procedure is invalidated. Actual time stamp comparison occurs when a statement in the body of a local procedure runs a remote procedure. Only at this moment are the time stamps compared using the distributed databases communications link. Therefore, all statements in a local procedure that precede an invalid procedure call might run successfully. Statements subsequent to an invalid procedure call do not run at all. Compilation is required. Depending on how the invalid procedure is called, DML statements run before the invalid procedure call are rolled back. For example, in the following, the UPDATE results are rolled back as the complete PLSQL block changes are rolled back. UPDATE table set. However, with the following, the UPDATE results are final. Only the PROC call is rolled back. UPDATE table set. EXECUTE invalidproc. If time stamps are used to handle dependencies among PLSQL program units, then whenever you alter a program unit or a relevant schema object, all of its dependent units are marked as invalid and must be recompiled before they can be run. Each program unit carries a time stamp that is set by the server when the unit is created or recompiled. Figure 6 1 demonstrates this graphically. Procedures P1 and P2 call stored procedure P3. Stored procedure P3 references table T1. In this example, each of the procedures is dependent on table T1. P3 depends upon T1 directly, while P1 and P2 depend upon T1 indirectly. Dell Bluetooth Driver Windows 7 64 Bit Download Realtek Pcie. If P3 is altered, then P1 and P2 are marked as invalid immediately, if they are on the same server as P3. The compiled states of P1 and P2 contain records of the time stamp of P3. Therefore, if the procedure P3 is altered and recompiled, then the time stamp on P3 no longer matches the value that was recorded for P3 during the compilation of P1 and P2. If P1 and P2 are on a client system, or on another Oracle Database instance in a distributed environment, then the time stamp information is used to mark them as invalid at run time. The disadvantage of this dependency model is that it is unnecessarily restrictive. Recompilation of dependent objects across the network are often performed when not strictly necessary, leading to performance degradation. Furthermore, on the client side, the time stamp model can lead to situations that block an application from running at all, if the client side application is built using PLSQL version 2. Earlier releases of tools, such as Oracle Forms, that used PLSQL version 1 on the client side did not use this dependency model, because PLSQL version 1 had no support for stored procedures. For releases of Oracle Forms that are integrated with PLSQL version 2 on the client side, the time stamp model can present problems. For example, during the installation of the application, the application is rendered invalid unless the client side PLSQL procedures that it uses are recompiled at the client site. Also, if a client side procedure depends on a server procedure, and if the server procedure is changed or automatically recompiled, then the client side PLSQL procedure must then be recompiled. Yet in many application environments such as Forms run time applications, there is no PLSQL compiler available on the client. This blocks the application from running at all. The client application developer must then redistribute new versions of the application to all customers. Signature Checking. Oracle Database provides the additional capability of remote dependencies using RPC signatures. The RPC signature capability affects only remote dependencies. Local dependencies are not affected, as recompilation is always possible in this environment. The RPC signature of a procedure contains information about the following items Name of the package, procedure, or function. Base types of the parameters. Modes of the parameters IN, OUT, and INOUTNote. Only the types and modes of parameters are significant. The name of the parameter does not affect the RPC signature. If the RPC signature dependency model is in effect, a dependency on a remote program unit causes an invalidation of the dependent unit if the dependent unit contains a call to a procedure in the parent unit, and the RPC signature of this procedure has been changed in an incompatible manner. A program unit can be a package, stored procedure, stored function, or trigger. To alleviate some of the problems with the time stamp only dependency model, Oracle Database provides the additional capability of remote dependencies using RPC signatures. The RPC signature capability affects only remote dependencies. Local same server dependencies are not affected, as recompilation is always possible in this environment. An RPC signature is associated with each compiled stored program unit. It identifies the unit using the following criteria The name of the unit the package, procedure, or function name. The types of each of the parameters of the subprogram. The modes of the parameters IN, OUT, INOUT. The number of parameters. The type of the return value for a function. The user has control over whether RPC signatures or time stamps govern remote dependencies. When the RPC signature dependency model is used, a dependency on a remote program unit causes an invalidation of the dependent unit if the dependent unit contains a call to a subprogram in the parent unit, and if the RPC signature of this subprogram has been changed in an incompatible manner. For example, consider a procedure getempname stored on a server in Boston BOSTONSERVER. The procedure is defined as the following. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getempname. IN NUMBER. hiredate OUT VARCHAR2. OUT VARCHAR2 AS. SELECT ename, tocharhiredate, DD MON YY. INTO empname, hiredate. WHERE empno empnumber. When getempname is compiled on BOSTONSERVER, its RPC signature, as well as its time stamp, is recorded. Suppose that on another server in California, some PLSQL code calls getempname identifying it using a DBlink called BOSTONSERVER, as follows. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE printename empnumber IN NUMBER AS. VARCHAR21. 2. ename VARCHAR21. BOSTONSERVERempnumber, hiredate, ename. When this California server code is compiled, the following actions take place A connection is made to the Boston server. The RPC signature of getempname is transferred to the California server. The RPC signature is recorded in the compiled state of printename.