How to Get Free or Cheap Internet Access. Wise Bread Picks. It is not unusual to pay 1. DSL Internet service in your home. The lower price is normally obtained by bundling your Internet with other services, such as your home phone and cable television. If you are looking to reduce your monthly expenses but still want to use the Internet, here are some ways you can get free or cheap Internet access. See also Cutting the Cable Cord Has More Than Financial BenefitsConsider Dial Up Internet. Connect To Netzero Without Their Software Programs' title='Connect To Netzero Without Their Software Programs' />Note Travelers with laptops often find their normal SMTP server doesnt work when they are away from home, meaning they cannot send emails. If youre looking at. Sales, Marketing How to Attract Visitors to Your Site Entrepreneur. If you dont use the Internet frequently or dont have a need for lightning fast service, you may consider using dial up Internet service instead of DSL, cable, or FIOS. You can get dial up Internet for as low as 9. Connect To Netzero Without Their Software Programs' title='Connect To Netzero Without Their Software Programs' />Net. Zero, provided you live in an area the company services. Juno advertises a dial up plan for 1. Catch 3D 2 1 Serial Crack Download here. Earth. Link offers a plan for as low as 1. Internet Service Through Your Cell Phone Provider. If you already have a cell phone plan, you might save money by using a data plan through your cell phone company rather than having both a cell phone plan and a separate Internet service. Verizon charges between 5. For some people, even the higher price of 1. Verizon would be less expensive than their existing monthly phone service and separate monthly Internet service bills. Verizon also offers a prepaid service for unlimited talk, text, and a data plan starting at 5. If you dont like the idea of checking your email or social media accounts on your phone, you can often use the cellular data plans through other device, including tablets or laptop computers, by turning your phone into a Wi Fi hotspot. Limit Your Internet Use to Free Wi Fi Locations. If youre not a college student, finding free Wi Fi can be challenging if you are looking for an always on, always available location. If you dont have an absolute need for Internet access in your home, you can get free Internet access from most public libraries. For some people, the library is conveniently located on their way to or from work and could easily take the place of Internet at home if you are someone who only uses the Internet for email or for occasional research. If you have a wireless enabled device such as a laptop, phone, or tablet, you can find free Wi Fi through a variety of coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, and even some bars. Use a site like Wi Fi Free. Spot to search for free Wi Fi locations according to your location or where you plan to travel. Internet for Low Income Americans. There are government programs that exist to provide free or cheap Internet service for lower income Americans. The availability of programs depends on location, availability of funds, and the applicants income level. The FCC announced a program called Connect to Compete, which will provide low cost computers to low income homes, and Internet access for 9. You may also have luck finding a program for low income Americans on Cheap. Internet. com, as well as a listing of possible free Internet programs on this page while Im pretty sure the Google TISP was an elaborate April Fools joke that went a little too far, the other options for possible free Internet look legitimate. How to Get a Free Internet Connection 8 Steps. Find a local store or business in which to work. The Internets role in daily life is hard to ignore, which is why many restaurants, businesses, and public buildings will offer you free Wi Fi. While there may be a caveat for the Wi Fiyou may have to buy a drink or a snack, or create a membership account for the business in questionthe cost for the Wi Fi is usually minor enough that its worth paying. Some examples of free Wi Fi locations include the following. Coffee shops. Airports. Hotels. Restaurants. Truck stops. Department stores. Malls. Libraries.