Add COPY Watermark to Printed Documents. Add a temporary COPY watermark when printing second and subsequent copies of a saved document. Add Macro to Quick Access Toolbar QATSteps to create a simple macro and add a control to the QAT to execute it. Add, Map and Employ Repeating Section Content Controls in Word 2. EximiousSoft provides professional Logo Design, PDF Editing, Banner Maker and GIF creator softwares for Windows users, It has a full range of highquality documents. A companion tips page to my Content ControlVariableBookmark and Document Property Tools Word template add in. Add Section Break and Unlink HeaderFooter. Simple VBA technique for adding section breaks with unlinked headers and footers. Add Table Row with Content. This tips page demonstrates and provides an automated method for inserting or appending table rows with content in a document table. It should prove useful when you have a table that your document user needs to list or define several items with similar properties. Address a Letter Using as Userform. A Userform that lets you quickly prepare PC generated correspondence to friends, clients, andor customers. Address Book Word. Provides a self contained address book add in for Word. Ampersand in Dropdown Field. Display and print an ampersand in a Microsoft Word protected form dropdown field. Here you can find a big collection of Free Word Templates. More than 100000 free templates for free downloading. We have a large collection of MS Word. Auto. Correct Generator. Use this handy method for creating multiple Microsoft Word Auto. Correct entries. No offense ladies. Its nostalgic. Auto. Correct Utility Manager. A Word template which provides a convenient utility to addredefinedeletebackuprestoretransfer Auto. Correct entries. Banner Text and Other Nifty Applications of EQ Fields. The Microsoft Word EQ field is a handy tool for creating simple text effects. Bookmark Tooland my Compact Bookmark Tool. An improved user interface for adding, deleting, and browsing bookmarks in Microsoft Word documents. Build and Deploy Custom Building Block Gallery. A quick and easy way to build and deploy a built in custom building block gallerygalleries from the Quick Access Toolbar QAT, Ribbon, or building block type Content Control. Build Google Search String from Selected Text. Some handy VBA for quickly creating a Google search string from selected text. Building Blocks Auto. Text. A discussion on building blocks in Word 2. Auto. Text feature in earlier Word. Includes an add in with enhanced tools for working with building blocks. Calculated Dates. Use a little VBA and Microsoft Word fields to easily calculate and roll back or roll forward a date in your Microsoft Word documents. Calendar Maker Add In. A simple and convenient Word template add in that you can use to create perpetual calendars. Classic Word. Art in Word 2. This tips page discusses some of the peculiarities users may experience when working with classic Word. Art in Word 2. 01. It also contains a few observations on new Word. Art. Cleanup Text. Quickly and easily clean text of unwanted leadingtrailing characters or formatting. Count Lines of Text. Hope for the frustrated transcriptions. Count Selected WordPhrase. Provides a simple macro that you can use to quickly count the number of times a selected word or phrase is used in your document text. Conditional Headers and Footers. Some tips for controlling the display of Microsoft Word header and footer text. Content Controls. An introductory tips page on content controls with links to all my tips focused on content controls. Tips and examples for using content controls as variables and to display the results of mathematical operations. Content Control ADCAP Advanced Capability Dropdown Lists. When the U. S. Navy retrofitted and improved the MK 4. MK 4. 8 ADCAP. ADCAP being an acronym for Advanced Capability. In a throwback to my Navy days, I decided to use the same acronym to describe the techniques demonstrated in this tips page. Employing them certainly advances the capabilities of the basic controlsContent ControlVariableBookmark and Document Property Tools Add In. A compact and versatile Word template add in for working with the document content control, variable, bookmark, and document property built in custom collection. Using this add in, you can quickly and easily create and manage document variables or mapped content controls. Content Controls Custom Checkboxes. A VBA template Add In that provides a Content Control Checkbox. These checkboxes can perform independently or be. Content Controls Custom Events. A VBA method to create and monitor content control custom events On. Halo 3 Hard Drive Install here. Change, On. Enter, On. Exit. Now change to content control text can be evaluated and processed in real time eliminating the need to first exit the control. Content Controls Do Not Print Placeholder Text. Three VBA methods to prevent printing the visible placeholder text in uncompleted content controls. Content Control Enhancements Word 2. A summary of the enhancements to content controls in Word 2. Content Controls Grouping and Navigation. Some tips for grouping and navigating between content controls used in a document. Provides a method to tab from one rich text. Content Controls Help Text. Methods for displaying content control custom user Help Text. Content Controls in Math Calculations. Tips and examples for using content controls as variables and to display results of mathematical operations. Content Control Pronoun Sets. A Word template add in you can use to create interactive content control personal pronoun sets. Content Control Tools. A Word template add in that provides a comprehensive set of tools you can use manage and map content controls in your documents and templates. Convert Fixed Notes to Dynamic FootnotesEndnotes. Developed in cooperation with Paul Edstein, this tips page provides a macro solution for converting fixed enumerated reference notes into dynamic footnotes. Create and employ a Userform. In this Microsoft Word Tips Microsoft Word Help page I show you how to create and employ a Userform from a document template. I have held off. publishing this page for over a year because there is already a page on this topic published on the MVP FAQ page. CreateFormat Fractions.