Psychtoolbox 3 Overview. Overview. Psychtoolbox interfaces between Matlab or Octave and the computer hardware. The. PTB core routines provide access to the display frame buffer and color lookup. Open. GL commands, support video playback and. Ancillary routines support common needs like color space. QUEST threshold seeking algorithm. Psychtoolbox has many active users, an active forum, and is widely. PTB 3 is based on the deprecated Psychophysics Toolbox Version 2. Matlab C extensions rewritten to be more modular and to use Open. GL on. the back end. The current version supports Matlab R2. Octave 3. 8 and later. Linux, and Octave 4. Psychtoolbox3. Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 PTB3 is a free set of Matlab and GNU Octave functions for vision and neuroscience research. It makes it easy to. R2017b Updates to MATLAB, Simulink, and 90 Other Products. The official home of MATLAB software. MATLAB is the easiest and most productive software environment for engineers and scientists. Try, buy, and learn MATLAB. Mac. OSX, and Windows. October 0. 8, 2. 01. What is a cell array Edit. A cell is a flexible type of variable that can hold any type of variable. A cell array is simply an array of those cells. Password fields and spinner controls can easily be embedded in Matlab GUIs. File Installation Key Matlab R2014b Download YahooPsychtoolbox 3. Yellow Alert was released at 8th October 2. As usual, the complete development history can be found in our Git. Hub repository. The release tag is PTBBeta 2. V3. 0. 1. 4, with the full tree and commit logs under the URL https github. Psychtoolbox 3Psychtoolbox 3treePTBBeta 2. V3. 0. 1. 4New features and improvements All operating systems Psych. Power. Mate Add List function for enumerating multiple Power. Mates, and the ability of Open to select among them. Add timeout ability to Wait. Button and Wait. Rotate. Add a wait for button release ability to Wait. Button. Help text updates. Psychtoolbox. Config. Dir Cleanups and error handling improved. ScreenConfigure. Display,Brightness Fail gracefully on pure brightness queries Return a 1 unsupported status code on unsupported setups instead of error out. Screen Make blue line stereo sync lines 3 scanlines high. Increases robustness against slightly buggy display drivers and picky stereo goggle sync equipment. Net. Station Add response check to Get. NTP synchronization. For improved error handling. Contributed by Andreas Widmann. Linux Research grade Multi Touch touchscreen and touchpad support. Touch. Input for a starter. Multi. Touch. Minimal. Demo. m for a simple demo. Multi. Touch. Demo. Psych. HID Motion and valuator change recording in Kb. Queue event buffers, e. Psych. HID Add new Kb. Queue. Create flag 4 for raw motion event delivery. Mostly useful for capturing raw motion dynamics of pointing devices or joysticks. Psych. Power. Mate New functions for background recording of knob turns and knob presses. Also acts as a demo for how to use the new motionvaluator change recording of Psych. HID. help Hybridgraphics simplified, now that Ubuntu 1. LTS makes many things simpler. Improve some timing related infowarning messages. Windows help Draw. Text. Plugin Give more detailed troubleshooting instructions for Matlab Windows. OSX help Psychtoolbox. Kernel. Driver Update for Apples latest train wreck. Psych. HIDDaq. Device. Index Improve USB HID interface detection. This may make Daq. Device. Index work more reliable on the train wreck. Add new warning message when running on OSX with broken AMD graphics, so people dont waste time trying to get reliable timing on an unfixable setup. Clarify various other mostly OSX related warning messages. August 1. 9, 2. 01. Psychtoolbox 3. 0. Kafkaesque was released at 1. August 2. 01. 7. As usual, the complete development history can be found in our Git. Hub repository. The release tag is PTBBeta 2. V3. 0. 1. 4, with the full tree and commit logs under the URL https github. Psychtoolbox 3Psychtoolbox 3treePTBBeta 2. V3. 0. 1. 4New features and improvements All operating systems Confirm. InfoTwo. State. Query Remove brain dead, broken GUI mode on current Matlab R2. Helptext updates for Kb. Name and Draw. Text. Plugin. Make gl. Shader. Source command more robust against awkwardfunky formatted GLSL shader code. Fix Clock. Rand. Seed for compatibility with Octave, and with current Matlab. Some improvements to Compute. CIECone. Fundamentals. David Brainard. Add new optional Get. NTPSynchronize command to Net. Station, which allows to NTP synchronize event timestamps on suitable EGI Netstation systems for much higher timestamp accuracy. Successfully tested on a 4. Linux as client and Mac. Os Netstation amp machine. Also a new helper function Get. NTP which is an OS independent simple NTP client. Code contributed and tested by Andreas Widmann and Urte Roeber, with helpful input by Justin Ales. Add matchingselection of devices by product. Name, serial. Number or location. ID to all of Get. KeyboardMouseGamepadKeypad. How To Install Openoffice On Kali Linux Android. Indices, ie. wherever this was missing. Video. Multi. Camera. Capture. Demo Make it write movies in a format that even Apples dumb Quicktime player can comprehend, similar to Imaging. Stereo. Demo. Linux Psych. Open. HMDVR driver for virtual reality headsets HMDs supported by Open. HMD. See help Psych. Open. HMDVR for help and setup instructions. Open. HMD currently supports the Oculus Rift DK1DK2CV1, the HTC Vive, the Sony PSVR, and some more exotic devices. No controller input is supported so far. Only head orientationrotation tracking supported, no absolute position tracking, as that is wip in Open. HMD. Also less sophisticated latencyblur compensation. The driver is so far tested with the Rift DK2 and Rift CV1 on standard PC and the DK2 on Raspberry. Pi 2. Use of the CV1 requires running openhmdkeepalivedaemon. Clear screen in multi x screen config properly to black in stereomode 45 at window close. Support transparent windows on 1. Handle use of software renderer wrt. VRHMDDemo Allow selection of HMD via optional device. Index parameter. Kb. Queues Fix failure to detect key events on multi x screen setups if mouse pointer is on other screen than X Screen 0. Windows Handle backwards compatibility bugs in AMDs proprietary display drivers for Windows, which cause failure to load identity luts in Load. Identity. Clut or failure to disable digital display dithering when requested to do so. Investigated and fixes contributed by Mark Repnow. Some build system improvements and code formatting cleanups by Diederick. Also removal of dead tests for ancient Matlab 45 bugs on ancient Mac. OS 89. kleinerm. June 1. Psychtoolbox 3. 0. Kalsariknnit was released at 1. June 2. 01. 7. As usual, the complete development history can be found in our Git. Hub repository. The release tag is PTBBeta 2. V3. 0. 1. 4, with the full tree and commit logs under the URL https github. Psychtoolbox 3Psychtoolbox 3treePTBBeta 2. V3. 0. 1. 4This release mostly contains bug fixes, small improvements and minor new features. Btw. Ive observed on some MS Windows systems that Update. Psychtoolbox or more accurately the underlying svn Subversion command line tool didnt do anything. It claimed a successfull update, but didnt update anything. This was also reported once in our Issue tracker. I dont know if this is a Windows specific svn bug, or something more widespread. Anyway, if Update. Psychtoolbox doesnt upgradechange about 6. Download. Psychtoolbox for a completely fresh download. Let us know if this happens on other systems than Windows. New features and improvements All operating systems Fix Psych. Imaging Enable. CLUTRemapping task. Did only work in scripts, not functions, due to a bug introduced in last beta. Also had off by one indexing errors for 2. LUTs. CLUTMapping. Bug. Test. m allows to test for proper functioning of this now, ie. Fix use of ScreenPut. Image when Psychimaging Normalized. High. Rescolor. Range task is used. Put. Image. Test. Improve ScreenLoad. Normalized. Gammatable compatibility with functions that expect return values for load. On. Next. Flip setting 2 where those return arguments are meaningless, but return them anyway with faked values to simplify user scripts. Net. Station go back to January 2. Justin Ales. This needs more work before a proper update to NTP synced synching is possible. Remove all traces and users of the long dead Serial. Comm serial port driver for 3. Bit Matlab on OSX. This wasnt used by default by anything, and everything has higher quality IOPort based implementations. Password spinner controls in Matlab GUII often include configuration panels in my programs, to enable the user to configure various program aspects, such as which emails should automatically be sent by the program to alert when certain conditions occur. Last week I presented such a configuration panel, which is mainly composed of standard documented Matlab controls sub panels, uitables and uicontrols. As promised, todays post will discuss two undocumented controls that are often useful in similar configuration panels not necessarily for emails password fields and spinners. Matlab GUI configuration panel including password and spinner controls click to zoom inPassword fields are basically editboxes that hide the typed text with some generic echo character such as or a bullet spinners are editboxes that only enable typing certain preconfigured values e. Both controls are part of the standard Java Swing package, on which the current non web based Matlab GUIs relies. In both cases, we can use the javacomponent function to place the built in Swing component in our Matlab GUI. Password field. The relevant Java Swing control for password fields is javax. JPassword. Field. JPassword. Field is basically an editbox that hides any typed key with a or bullet character. Heres a basic code snippet showing how to display a simple password field j. Password. Field javax. JPassword. Fielddefault. Password default password arg is optional. Password. Field java. Object. EDTj. Password. Field java. Object. EDT is optional but recommended to avoid timing related GUI issues. Password. Field javacomponentj. Password. Field, 1. Password control. We can setget the password string programmatically via the Text property the displayed echo character can be setget using the Echo. Char property. To attach a data change callback, set jh. Password. Fields Action. Performed. Callback property. Spinner controldetailed post on using spinners in Matlab GUIThe relevant Java Swing control for spinners is javax. JSpinner. JSpinner is basically an editbox with two tiny adjacent updown buttons that visually emulate a small round spinning knob. Spinners are similar in functionality to a combo box a. They are often used when the list of possible values is too large to display in a combo box menu. Like combo boxes, spinners too can be editable meaning that the user can type a value in the editbox or not the user can only spin the value using the updown buttons. JSpinner uses an internal data model. The default model is Spinner. Number. Model, which defines a minmax value unlimited by default and step size 1 by default. Additional predefined models are Spinner. List. Model which accepts a cell array of possible string values and Spinner. Date. Model which defines a date range and step unit. Heres a basic code snippet showing how to display a simple numeric spinner for numbers between 2. Model javax. swing. Spinner. Number. Model2. Spinner javax. swing. JSpinnerj. Model. Spinner java. Object. EDTj. Spinner java. Object. EDT is optional but recommended to avoid timing related GUI issues. Spinner javacomponentj. Spinner, 1. 0,1. The spinner value can be set using the edit box or by clicking on one of the tiny arrow buttons, or programmatically by setting the Value property. The spinner object also has related read only properties Next. Value and Previous. Value. The spinners model object has the corresponding Value settable, Next. Value read only and Previous. Value read only properties. In addition, the various models have specific properties. For example, Spinner. Number. Model has the settable Maximum, Minimum and Step. Size properties. To attach a data change callback, set jh. Spinners State. Changed. Callback property. I have created a small Matlab demo, Spinner. Demo, which demonstrates usage of JSpinner in Matlab figures. Each of the three predefined models number, list, and date is presented, and the spinner values are inter connected via their callbacks. The Matlab code is modeled after the Java code that is used to document JSpinner in the official Java documentation. Readers are welcome to download this demo from the Matlab File Exchange and reuse its source code. Matlab Spinner. Demo. The nice thing about spinners is that you can set a custom display format without affecting the underlying data model. For example, the following code snippet update the spinners display format without affecting its underlying numeric data model format. Str ,0. 0 Bn. Editor java. Objectjavax. JSpinnerNumber. Editor, jh. Spinner, format. Str. Spinner. set. Editorj. Editor Formatted spinner control. For more information, refer to my detailed post on using spinners in Matlab GUI. Caveat emptor. Math. Works new web based GUI paradigm will most probably not directly support the Java components presented in todays post, or more specifically the javacomponent function that enables placing them in Matlab GUIs. The new web based GUI building application App. Designer, aka AD does contain a spinner, although it is currently limited to displaying numeric values not dateslists as in my Spinner. Demo. Password fields are not currently supported by App. Designer at all, and it is unknown whether they will ever be. All this means that users of Java controls who wish to transition to the new web based GUIs will need to develop programmatic workarounds, that would presumably appear and behave less professional. Its a tradeoff App. Designer does include features that improve GUI usability, not to mention the presumed future ability to post Matlab GUIs online hopefully without requiring a monstrous Matlab Production Server licenseinstallation. In the past, Math. Works has posted a dedicated webpage to solicit user feedback on how they are using the figures Java. Frame property. Math. Works will presumably prepare a similar webpage to solicit user feedback on uses of the javacomponent function, so they could add the top items to App. Designer, making the transition to web based GUIs less painful. When such a survey page becomes live, I will post about it on this website so that you could tell Math. Works about your specific use cases and help them prioritize their R D efforts. In any case, regardless of whether the functionality eventually makes it into App. Designer, my hope is that when the time comes Math. Works will not pull the plug from non web GUIs, and will still enable running them on desktops for backward compatibility legacy mode. Users of existing GUIs will then not need to choose between upgrading their Matlab and redeveloping their GUI as a web based app and running their existing programs. Instead, users will face the much less painful choice between keeping the existing Java based programs and developing a web based variant at some later time, separate from the choice of whether or not to upgrade Matlab. The increased revenue from license upgrades and SMS maintenance plan renewals might well offset the R D effort that would be needed to keep supporting the old Java based figures. The traumaticrelease of HG2 in R2. I really dont wish to make this a debate on HG2s release Id rather focus on making the transition to web based GUIs as seamless as possible.