Bears, theyre just like us. And Im not referring to a subset of hairy humans, but to some furry critters in Wisconsin whose diets contain a staggering amount of. Below is a video the RCPS3 team put together showing the progress theyve made since Persona 5 was first released on the PS3. News, reviews, previews, tips, and downloads for multiple platforms. PS4 News The latest playstation news and updates. With stories from around the web, as well as intrepid reporting from our own dedicated team of hard working and top notch Play. Station loving writers, PS4 Experts is the only place to look to find all the current news on the Play. Station 4. PS4 still on top May 1. The PS4 continues to lead the gaming console market. Rumored Games for Sonys E3 Press Conference May 8, 2. Weve compiled a list of the rumored games that may make an appearance at Sonys E3 press conference. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Treyarch has announced a new call of duty called Black Ops. No details are available at the moment but a website has been launched. The website can be found here. GameTrailers is your destination to see official trailers first. Powered by IGN, you can expect to see worldfirst exclusive gameplay and the hottest new tra. An old rule of thumb warns that shellfish should be avoided during months with no RsMay, June, July, and Augustexactly the season that many of us are heading. Xbox 360 and PS3 are not actually that far apart in sales, considering the PS3 was released a year after Xbox this shows how well the console has done, of course Wii. What is Project Beast May 7, 2. Just what is Project Beast, Sonys secret PS4 project
If the rumors and screenshots are to be believed, its Demons Souls 2 Electronic Arts E3 2. Lineup May 7, 2. Were got the full Electronic Arts E3 2. Lots of good stuff coming out for the PS4The Best Selling Play. Station 4 Game Is. May 7, 2. 01. 4Call of Duty Ghosts is still the top selling game on the Play. Station 4, six months after launch. Could We See a New Mortal Kombat or Injustice at E3 May 7, 2. Ed Boon is hinting towards a new game, places your bets now over whether its a new Mortal Kombat or Injustice Need for Speed Franchise On Hold, According to EA May 6, 2. Electronic Arts has revealed that there will be no Need for Speed game in 2. Metal Gear Solid V Ships Over 1 Million Copies May 3, 2. Metal Gear Solid V has shipped over a million units Pretty impressive for a game many just called a demo. Call of Duty Joins The X Games May 3, 2. Call of Duty joins the X Games Wait, what Towerfall Makes 5. Sales Thanks To PS4 May 2, 2. Towerfall Ascension is a huge success, thanks in no small part to the PS4. D Link Installation Wizard Cameras there. Sony Reveals 1. 2 More Indie Games For PS4 May 2, 2. At a recent press conference, Sony unveiled 1. Check out the list inside. Warframe is PS4s Most Popular Digital Game May 1, 2. Warframe is the Play. Station 4s most popular digital game, as of April 2. Read how this game is changing the focus of the PS4. Madden 1. 5 First Trailer April 2. Electronic Arts has released the first Madden 1. It shows off what could be in game graphics. Sony Promises Very Exciting News for E3 April 2. Sony is teasing very exciting things for this years E3 What could they have up their sleeves Facebook Was Interested In Project Morpheus April 2. Facebook originally scoped out Project Morpheus before purchasing the Oculus Rift. Details inside Sonys Road To Greatness Tour Highlights Upcoming PS4 Games April 2. Sony has just announced the Road to Greatness tour, allowing gamers to play unreleased PS4 and Vita games. Boy Sacrifices Play. Station 4 for Smoke Detectors April 2. In Texas, a 9 year old boy sacrifices a chance at a Play. Station 4 in order to do some good. Best Lines From Snoop Doggs Ghosts DLC April 2. Snoop Dogg multiplayer voiceover pack from Call of Duty Ghosts. You really wont believe what youre about to hear. Buy Amazing Spider Man 2, Get Free Movie Tickets April 2. Activision and Game. Stop are offering a one day promotion on April 2. Buy Amazing Spider Man 2 and get two free movie tickets More Naughty Dog Staff Members And Workers Depart April 2. Naughty Dog suffers more departures. Is something amiss May 2. Play. Station Plus Offerings Revealed April 2. Sony has revealed what Play. Station Plus members in Europe will be downloading in May 2. Weve got the full list for you inside Developer States That 1. Tougher on Xbox One April 2. Lord of the Fallen developer states that reaching a 1. Xbox One compared to the Play. Station 4. Sucker Punch Reveals In. Famous Second Son Paper Trail Rewards April 2. Sucker Punch has detailed the rewards for the Paper Trail set of missions in In. Famous Second SonNo, its not paper power. First Call of Duty 2. Image Released April 2. Activision has revealed the first image for Call of Duty 2. Do you think it looks impressiveGRID Autosport Isnt Hitting Play. Station 4. Why April 2. The newly announced GRID Autosport wont be hitting the Play. Station 4 when it releases later this year. We have the answers why. Digital Foundry Trials Fusion Graphics Comparison Results Are InApril 2. Digital Foundry compares the Play. Station 4 version of Trials Fusion to all other consoles. Does the PS4 come out ahead Of course it does. Assassins Creed Series at 7. Million Sales April 2. Ubisoft has revealed that to date, the Assassins Creed series has reached 7. Thats a lot of assassins. Microsoft to Bring the Heat This E3 Should Sony Be Worried April 2. Microsoft is in it to win it at this years E3. Should Sony be worriedTrademarks Reveal Two New Potential PS4 IPs April 2. Sony has filed two new game trademarks Could they be for the Play. Station 4 Tecmo Koei Needs Your Help Improving Dynasty Warriors 8 April 2. Tecmo Koei is asking for help from gamers with finding the bugs in Dynasty Warriors 8. Batman Assault on Arkham Animated Feature Receives First Trailer April 2. The first trailer for Batman Assault on Arkham has been released This animated feature takes place in the Arkham universe. Resogun DLC Incoming April 2. Housemarquee is teasing DLC for Resogun in the form of local co op The developer promises more features to come in the coming weeks Square Enix Refocuses Its Efforts On JRPGs April 1. Square Enix plans to go back in time and focus on JRPGs, just like the good old days. Ubisoft Announces Watch Dogs Tie In e. Book April 1. 9, 2. Ubisoft has announced a new piece of Watch Dogs tie in content an e. Book set in the games universe. Shaq Fu Sequel Could Hit Play. Station 4 April 1. Shaq Fu, one of the worst games in existence, is receiving a sequelEven more shocking is that this sequel could end up on the Play. Station 4. Final Fantasy XIV Reaches Two Million Accounts Thanks to PS4 April 1. Square Enix has just announced that Final Fantasy XIV has reached two million subscribers, thanks in no part to the recent release of the game on Play. Station 4. Play. Station 4 is the Only Current Gen System to Get Amazing Spider Man 2 at Launch April 1. A last minute delay hits Amazing Spider Man 2 on Xbox One, making the Play. Station 4 the only current generation system to get the game on April 2. Titanfall Could Have Been on Play. Station 4 But Sony Wasnt Ready April 1. Titanfall could have been on the Play. Station 4 after all and surprisingly, Sony was at fault. Capcom Spends 7. Million To Enter Current Generation April 1. Capcom spends 7. Only time will tell if this strategy will be a wise one. Play. Station 4 Sales Over 7 Million April 1. Sonys dominance over the current generation continues as the company announces the Play. Station 4 has sold over 7 million units Final Fantasy XIV PS3PS4PC Graphics Comparison April 1. IGN has released a video comparing the graphics of the PS3, PS4 and PC versions of Final Fantasy XIV. Which version do you think looks best Sony Unveils SHAREfactory for the Play. Station 4 April 1. We have the lowdown on SHAREfactory, Sonys upcoming tool that lets you edit your shared video clips Titanfall Outsells In. Famous but PS4 Reigns Supreme in March 2. April 1. 7, 2. 01. We have the March 2. NPD numbers Which game was on top for the month of March The answer may surprise you. Why Isnt Borderlands The Pre Sequel on Play. Station 4 April 1. Borderlands The Pre Sequel wont be hitting the Play. Station 4. Gearboxs Randy Pitchford explains why. Play. Station 4 To Add Twitch Archival April 1. Sony outlines some of the improvements coming to the Twitch and Ustream services on the Play. Station 4. Day. Z Could See Release on Play. Station 4 April 1. Popular zombie game Day. Z may see a release on the Play. Station 4 according to its developer. The Art of Naughty Dog Celebrates One of Sonys Best April 1. The Art of Naughty Dog art book celebrates 3. Naughty Dog with a collection of both official Naughty Dog artwork and fan artCall of Duty Ghosts to Receive Snoop Dogg Voice Pack DLC April 1.