Arrow of Light Award Description Red on green knot on tan background with yellow border. Award Requirements A Webelos scout earns the Arrow of Light award by. Meet the new Google Home Mini. Now in stock. Advertising Programmes Business Solutions Google About Google Google. Privacy Terms. Get uptotheminute environmentallyfriendly or egregiously unfriendly car news, reviews, highquality photos and commentary about living green. The Bright Futures Scholarship Program is a great program for graduating Florida high school students. Here are the technical requirements and procedures. Richard M. Misanko. Mar 0. 9, 2. 01. 2 Ed De. Pinter. Hi. I have 2 questions. I have heard some say 9 others say 1. RT staff Some say its the Scouters Key award ,while others say its the Scout Leaders Training award. Ed De. Pinter. Mar 0. Scouter Paul. Ed 1. Scouters Training Award see scouting. May 2. 5, 2. 01. 2 Marcy Owens. As per BSA Insignia Guide. Green To Gold Requirements For Active Duty Options For Learning' title='Green To Gold Requirements For Active Duty Options For Learning' />Wearing medals and embroidered knots. Only five medals may be worn at a time pinned in a single row immediately above the seam of the left pocket. Knots are worn above the left pocket in rows of three. The order of wearing of medals and knots is at the discretion of the wearer. It is suggested that the medal or knot deemed most important by the wearer be worn on his or her own right. Embroidered knots are representative of pin on medals or around the neck awards and are designed for the convenience of the wearer. In the case of the District Award of Merit and Professional Training Award, the knot is the only wearable insignia. Jun 1. Ric C. If knot awards were earned as Cub Scout Adult Leader Den Leader, Cub Scouter and now I am a Boy Scout Adult Leader Troop Committee for a Troop in a different area, do I still wear the knotsJun 1. Scouter Paul. Ric Yes, recognition earned as an adult volunteer in any position can remain on your uniform as long as you are a registered BSA volunteer. Jun 2. 3, 2. 01. 2 David C. Hirtle. This is a great resource page. I have a question, however. My dad late was an Eagle in. Boston area, He would later earn his Palms. While a Missionary in the Canal Zone in the late 4. Scouting Executive. I have his Eagle and Key Awards as well as a bronz colored, octagonal on a blue ribbon that I cant identify. Any suggestions Jun 2. Yukon Jack. David. The bronze octagonal medal you describe sounds like the old BSA archery medal. It is a pre 1. 95. There is no knot for this medal, as it is more akin to a modern cub scout pinewood derby medal. If not, there are many other similar medals from the first few decades of scouting that are now incredibly rare. Mitch Reis is an excellent refrence online as he is one of the nations top BSA memorabilia collectors. SAM. gov The System for Award Management SAM is the Official U. S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCRFedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. Good luck in your search. Jun 2. 3, 2. 01. 2 Yukon Jack. David. Also, if not the archery medal, there are many many other contest medals if the same era of the same design, each with different markings on the medallion itself, but all with blue ribbons. Nowadays, all BSA boy scout contest medals use a generic design and are very common and can be found in any scout shop. A quick google search or email to Reis should get you a final answer. Jun 2. 8, 2. 01. 2 Nick Tavassoli. I have a question I see the sea badge conference trident knot is very easy to obtain. I know adults can earn this award, but I was wondering if a venturing scout could earn it. I would very much so like to wear such an odd knot on my uniform but I will not until I know for sure it is approvedlegal. Nick. Jun 2. 8, 2. Yukon Jack. Nick. Easy is in the eye of the beholder. Very, very few Seabadge conferences are held every year in the nation. I do not believe that youth can attend Seabadge, as you must be a registered adult to attend. Youth sea scouts CAN however, takeearnwear the Sea Scout Advanced Leadership Training SEAL qualification pin which resembles a silver US Navy submarine warfare qualification badge, the double dolphins. While youth cannot earn the Seabadge trident, the SEAL dolphins pin is likewise only earned by youth and does not transfer to the uniform of an adult sea scouter. Hope this helps. YJJun 2. Nick Tavassoli. Ok, thanks, I was clueless Also, there is a scout in my troop wearing some knots that I did not recognize here. I looked up the colors and saw that they were unofficial. One was the BSA Lifeguard knot, one was a Friends of Scouting volunteer knot, and one was a Historic Trails award knot. Are anyall of these knots okaylegal to wear Or should I tell him to take them off I also saw that the historic trails one is a real patch, but it is meant for equipment decoration. The text was a little unclear, but it sounded like the BSA Lifeguard one was for your swimming trunks. Jun 2. 9, 2. 01. 2 Yukon Jack. There are between 2. Some knots are genuine called locally authorized and approved for wear by the National Council, but only for certain councils or districts to award. These councils went through the proper process to get them approved and may be worn if earned in the right council. However, most unofficial knots are not approved by National and therefore should be removed. The three you mentioned are all not approved see www. George Crawl has compiled a complete list of all official, locally authorized, private issue, spoof knots at www. Jul 1. 8, 2. 01. 2 Mike. I know the Cub Scout religious knots can be worn on an adult uniform if it was earned as a youth. However, it doesnt seem appropriate to wear them as a youth on a Boy Scout uniform for two reasons. It implies it was earned as a Boy Scout which would be untrue if there is no device with it. Second, it is stated that the Arrow of Light patch is the only award earned as a Cub Scout worn on the boy scout uniform. Does that sound right If that is correct is it stated officially anywhereJul 1. Scouter Paul. Aug 0. Yukon Jack. I think everyone would be interested to know that the BSA just announced this summer scouting. TrainingTraining. Updates. aspx that all 6 of the cub scout leader awards are going away, though one knot will remain. If you already started the old ones, finish them up, but the new awards for cub leaders use the Scouters Key knot, the Scouters Training Award knot, and the Den Leader knot. Sorda big news, as this reverts cub leader awards to pretty much what they were prior to 1. Aug 0. 6, 2. 01. 2 Jared Stoddard. This is in response to a previous statement I see the sea badge conference trident knot is very easy to obtain. I would very much so like to wear such an odd knot on my uniform. Sadly, this is sometimes the case that it is easy to obtain and is sometimes obtained because it is odd or cool. Normally this is for Sea Scouters towho promote Sea Scouting as an analog to Wood Badge. Before you pursue such an award, I would suggest that you 1 become well versed in the Sea Scouting program, 2 Contact your region Commodore, and 3 ensure that any training you attend is authorized. Finally, although I realize that often badges are sought for the sake of the badge this saddens me deeply as I remember a time when a rankaward was pinned on a mans character before it was ever pinned on his uniform. IMHO. Aug 0. 6, 2. Yukon Jack. One more cool knot thing the Universal Exploring knot silver on silver ropes with redwhiteblue background can still be earned. That knot has represented 7 different awards and the council level Young American Award can still be earned. The other 6 and the national YAA are all discontinued, but the knot itself does still represent a current award. Aug 0. 6, 2. 01. 2 Yukon Jack. And one last thing. December 3. 1, 2. Similarly, the Speakers Bank knot can still be earned, but no new speakers can register as such. Ergo, if youre not a speaker, you cannot earn it, but the award itself is not discontinued as current speakers can still earn it. Just some fun facts I love BSA history. Aug 0. 9, 2. 01. 2 Eagle. Cliff 9. 5I was checking the status of some of my young leaders service advancements and noticed that the retirement of the cub scout knots later next year was posted, why is this taking place, I feel this has been a effective tool in recruiting parents to get trained along side of there young boy Any ideas as to why Aug 1. Scouter Paul. Eagle. Cliff See scouting. TrainingTraining. Updates. aspx for details on the changes. The national awards committee reviewed the awards last year and made recommendations. Nitro Saya No Uta Saya.