Digital Photography Review All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database. Flickr Wikipedia. Flickr pronounced flicker is an image and video hosting website and web services suite that was created by Ludicorp in 2. Yahoo on 2. 0 March 2. In addition to being a popular website for users to share and embed personal photographs, and effectively an online community, the service is widely used by photo researchers and by bloggers to host images that they embed in blogs and social media. The Verge reported in March 2. Flickr had a total of 8. In August 2. 01. 1 the site reported that it was hosting more than 6 billion images and this number continues to grow steadily according to reporting sources. Photos and videos can be accessed from Flickr without the need to register an account but an account must be made to upload content onto the website. How many photos do you have in your Camera roll on your iPhone right now Go ahead and check. Ill wait. If you have a lot of images on your iOS device. Published continually since 1998, NEWS YOU CAN USE was a Blog before Blog was even a word Its intention has been to help inform the football coach and the. Pat McNees and Debbie Brodsky talk about what personal histories are, and what personal historians do, and why. Do you want to backup iPhones photos to PC readily Check out these three methods to easily transfer photos from iPhone to Windows 10 without using iTunes. Transfer Photos from a USB Flash Drive to an iPad. Doesnt work here iOS 4. Phone on the iPad just shows a camera icon alongside the message. How Do You Move Photos From Camera Roll To Photostream On Iphone' title='How Do You Move Photos From Camera Roll To Photostream On Iphone' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. If you delete any of your favorite apps from your iPhone, you now have more options than ever to get your apps back. Heres how to restore deleted apps. The only limitation is that Windows is only allowed to see the Camera Roll folder You dont have access to other internal folders of the iDevices. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Registering an account also allows users to create a profile page containing photos and videos that the user has uploaded and also grants the ability to add another Flickr user as a contact. For mobile users, Flickr has official mobile apps for i. OS,8Android,9 and Play. Station Vita,1. 0 operating systems, and an optimised mobile website. HistoryeditFlickr was launched in February 2. Ludicorp, a Vancouver based company founded by Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake. The service emerged from tools originally created for Ludicorps Game Neverending, a web based massively multiplayer online game. Flickr proved a more feasible project, and ultimately Game Neverending was shelved 1. Butterfield later launched a similar online game, Glitch, which closed down in November 2. Early versions of Flickr focused on a chat room called Flickr. Live with real time photo exchange capabilities. The successive evolutions focused more on the uploading and filing backend for individual users and the chat room was buried in the site map. It was eventually dropped as Flickrs backend systems evolved away from Game Neverendings codebase. Key features of Flickr not initially present are tags, marking photos as favorites, group photo pools and interestingness, for which a patent is pending. Yahoo acquired Ludicorp and Flickr in March 2. The acquisition reportedly cost 2. During the week of 2. June 2 July 2. 00. Canada to servers in the United States, and all resulting data become subject to United States federal law. In May 2. 00. 7, Yahoo announced that Yahoo Photos would close down on 2. September 2. 00. 7, after which all photos would be deleted users were encouraged to migrate to Flickr. In January 2. 00. Flickr announced that Old Skool membersthose who had joined before the Yahoo acquisitionwould be required to associate their account with a Yahoo ID by 1. March to continue using the service. This move was criticized by some users. Flickr upgraded its services from beta to gamma in May 2. Lifehacker. 2. 3 In December 2. MB a month from 2. MB and were removed from Flickr Pro accounts, which originally had a 2 GB per month limit. On 9 April 2. 00. Flickr began allowing paid subscribers to upload videos, limited to 9. MB in size. On 2 March 2. Flickr added the facility to upload and view HD videos, and began allowing free users to upload normal resolution video. At the same time, the set limit for free accounts was lifted. In 2. 00. 9, Flickr announced a partnership with Getty Images in which selected users could submit photographs for stock photography usage and receive payment. In 2. 01. 0, this was changed so that users could label images as suitable for stock use themselves. On 2. 0 May 2. 01. Flickr launched the first stage of a major site redesign, introducing a Justified View close spaced photo layout2. Android app. 2. 82. The Justified View is paginated between 7. Tech Radar described the new style Flickr as representing a sea change in its purpose. Many users criticized the changes, and the sites help forum received thousands of negative comments. In March 2. 01. 4, Flickrs New Photo Experience, a user interface redesign, left beta. On 7 May 2. 01. 5, Yahoo overhauled the site, adding a revamped Camera Roll, a new way to upload photos and upgraded the sites apps. The new Uploadr application was made available for Macs, Windows and mobile devices. Corporate changeseditIn June 2. Flickr co founder Stewart Butterfield announced his resignation, which followed his wife and co founder Caterina Fake, who left the company on 1. June 2. 00. 8. 3. Butterfield wrote a humorous resignation letter to Brad Garlinghouse. On 1. 4 December 2. The Guardian reported that three employees had been laid off as Yahoo continued to reduce its workforce,3. November 2. 01. 0, CNET reported Yahoo was on the verge of a major layoff affecting 1. Flickr was specifically named as a target for these layoffs. On 2. 5 July 2. 01. Verizon announced that it had entered a deal to acquire Yahoo and Flickr. The deal is expected to close in Q1 of 2. FeatureseditAccountseditFlickr offers three types of account Free, Ad Free and Doublr. The free option includes one terabyte of storage limited to 2. MB per photo and 1 GB per video with maximum length 3 minutes. The Ad Free option allows subscribers to avoid advertisements for an annual fee. The Doublr account includes twice the storage of a free account. In May 2. 01. 1, Flickr added an option to easily reverse an account termination, motivated by the accidental deletion of a Flickr users account, and public reporting of its protracted restoration. Flickr may delete accounts without giving any reason or warning to the accounts owner. Before May 2. 01. Flickr offered two types of accounts, Free and Pro. Free accounts were limited in data storage, accessibility and interaction. Pro accounts received unlimited bandwidth and storage, and allowed users to upload an unlimited number of images and videos every month. New Pro accounts are no longer offered, but old ones remain active, with no plans to retire them. OrganizationeditThe images a Flickr photographer uploads go into their sequential photostream, the basis of a Flickr account. All photostreams can be displayed as a justified view, a slideshow, a detail view or a datestamped archive. Clicking on a photostream image opens it in the interactive photopage alongside data, comments and facilities for embedding images on external websites. Users may label their uploaded images with titles and descriptions, and images may be tagged either by the uploader or by other users, if the uploader permits it. These text components enable computer searching of Flickr. Flickr was an early website to implement tag clouds, which were used until 2. Tagging was further revised in the photopage redesign of March 2. Flickr has been cited as a prime example of effective use of folksonomy. Users can organize their Flickr photos into albums formerly sets which are more flexible than the traditional folder based method of organizing files, as one photo can belong to one album, many albums, or none at all. Flickr provides code to embed albums into blogs, websites and forums. Flickr albums represent a form of categorical metadata rather than a physical hierarchy. Geotagging can be applied to photos in albums,4. The resulting map can be embedded in a website. Flickr albums may be organized into collections, which can themselves be further organized into higher order collections. Organizr is a web application for organizing photos within a Flickr account that can be accessed through the Flickr interface. It allows users to modify tags, descriptions and set groupings, and to place photos on a world map a feature provided in conjunction with Yahoo Maps. It uses Ajax to emulate the look, feel and quick functionality of desktop based photo management applications, such as Googles Picasa and F Spot. Users can select and apply changes to multiple photos at a time,as an alternative to the standard Flickr interface for editing. Access controleditFlickr provides both private and public image storage. How to Restore Deleted Apps to Your i. Phone. Actual question asked on the Google, typos and all. If you accidentally delete any of your favorite apps from your i. Phone, i. Pad, or i. Pod Touch, you now have more options than ever to at least get the app itself back. Most of the time, its a very easy fix i. Phone 1. 01. If youre new to i. Phone, you might find this post helpful. If youve had your i. Phone for a while, theres still a tip or two in this post you might might have missed. Keep reading for a few of our favorites on how to restore deleted apps on your i. Device. Need to downgrade an app or reinstall an older version Check out How to Reinstall Older Versions of Apps on your i. Phone or i. Pad. Redownload the App. Probably the easiest way to restore the most recent version of an app is right on your iphone or i. Pad. Open App Store on your device. Search for the app you need to reinstall. Install the app. Its that easy. You will not be charged twice for an app provided you use the same i. Tunes account login. If you have any in app purchases that need to be restored as well, such as Hipstamatic Paks or the Camera I Heart Analog pak, simply restore them in app. Again, you shouldnt be charged twice for something youve already purchased in the App Store. This will only reinstall the app itself and not any of the apps data, photos or lightbox images. Nearly all photo apps save directly to the i. Phones camera roll anyway, virtually eliminating the possibility of losing any images. Restore Deleted Apps Using the App Store app. The App Store app gives you two options for restoring your deleted apps. The second lets you reinstall an app that may have been discontinued. Open the App Store app and go to the Updates tab. At the top of the updates is a Purchased menu. From there, you can redownload nearly any app youve ever purchased, including many apps that are no longer available. I had pretty good luck. I was able to reinstall deleted discontinued apps on my i. Phone such as Snapture and some of the Smart. Cam iterations. I was not able to redownload other discontinued apps like the famous Polarize or the infamous Hipstamatic Disposable. However, if the app you need to redownload is still available in the App Store, you should have few problems getting it back. Again, this only reinstalls the app itself and none of the apps data or lightbox images. Your photos will most likely be okay. Relatively few apps dont save directly to your i. Phones camera roll. Well talk about those below. Restore in i. Tunes on Your Next Sync. Plug in your i. Device, open the Applications tab in the Sync screen in i. Tunes and check the apps you want to reinstall. Then sync your i. Phone. Again, this will only reinstall the app itself and not any of the apps data or lightbox images. See the caveats above. Try the i. Phone Backup Viewer for Mac. Do NOT backup your device yet Doing so will save over your last backup and eliminate any chances of restoring your photosPhone Backup Viewer is a very spiffy app for Mac OS and now Windows that lets you peek around the i. Phone backup files that i. Tunes creates on your Mac. From there, you can peek into the hidden directories of apps like Camera and Hipstamatic and save the JPGs without ever leaving on your computer. Its pretty easy to figure out. Best of all, its read only, so you cant damage your i. Phones data or the backup on your desktop or laptop. Its slow to scan your backup, especially on larger capacity devices, but it gives you access to a lot of data that would otherwise be lost. Its Donationware and its a great utility to have for emergencies. You can download i. Phone Backup Viewer for free from i. Mac. Tools. com. Support this developer and be sure to send a few bucks their way. This is a much safer method of restoring lost images than our final one. Restore Your i. Phone or i. Pad. This is not i. Phone 1. 01. This is a very tricky, advanced technique for restoring some images which may otherwise be lost. Its a tip of last resort. I dont recommend this. Life In Lo. Fi or myself are not responsible if you try this and bad things happen to your data, like if you lose all of it. But, if theres an important image that would otherwise be lost, this method is an alternative. A dangerous alternative. There are a lot of photo apps with their own Lightboxes apps that save images to their own private photo library and require you to then take additional steps to save images to your i. Phones camera roll. These lightboxes contain images that may be saved nowhere else on your i. Phone or i. Pad camera roll, photo library, Photo. Stream nowhere. Once these apps are deleted, the images contained in their lightboxes are deleted as well and cannot otherwise be easily restored. Some of these apps, such as Camera and others, save their data in a non standard, proprietary file format. Using i. Phone Backup Viewer wont let you save a file you can open on your home computer. Make sure you back up your important images often to your camera roll. While a lightbox workflow is convenient, storing images on your i. Phones camera roll is a safer place for them. If, for whatever reason, you have to delete one of these apps, its possible to retrieve them and their data. PROCEED WITH CAUTION This method is a tricky and difficult technique and its not for the faint of heart. You WILL lose data on your i. Phone if you do this, but you may be able to retrieve some or most of those images. Its up to you to weigh the tradeoff. This method does NOT restore any images in a lightbox that were added or processed after your last backup. Those images are pretty much gone. Restore From Backup deletes all data from your device. Nfs 5 Free Download Crack For Windows. Again, its a dangerous operation that DELETES ALL THE DATA FROM YOUR DEVICE. Proceed carefully. Youve been warned. One misstep can hose all of your i. Phones data. Restore From Backup can also be used to restore your i. Phone or i. Pad into the exact same condition that it was in when it was last backed up to i. Tunes. If it goes well, all of your data at that point will be restored, including images in Camera, Hipstamatic oggl, and other lightboxes. On the downside, any data added to your i. Phone after that backup photos, contacts, notes, appointments, data in other apps will be lost if theyre not backed up somewhere in the cloud. Again, if those photos are more important, this is an option, albeit a nuclear one. Restore From Backup is different than just a run of the mill Restore, which nukes everything and replaces it with a clean slate. To Restore From Backup, plug your i. Phone into your computer. Open i. Tunes. When your device mounts in i. Tunes, right click on it in the DEVICES list in the left pane. Do NOT backup your device first In the contextual menu, choose Restore From Backup. In the pop up menu, select which backup you wish to restore from. Be certain that you are choosing the correct backup. You may only get one try at this. Once you select the backup source, the restore starts right way. There isnt even an Are you sure you want to do this dialog box, so be sure you want to do this. Do not touch anything until its all completed. You will feel sadness, fear, uncertainty, dread and the urge to cry. These are all normal. Never ever ever under any circumstances cancel the restore or disconnect the device until the restore is complete. Bad things will happen. When completed, your i. Phone or i. Pad should have all the apps and data that it had when you previously backed up your device. Again, all of the data you added to it since then will be gone and have to be recreated. Something as important as an irreplaceable photo of a loved one can sometimes be worth the trouble and the risk. This makes backing up your i. Phone and i. Pad often even more important. Keep your backups as current as you can.