What useful things can one add to ones. I deal with a lot of different machines so one of my favorites is aliases for each machine that I need to frequently SSH to alias claudiusssh dinomiteclaudius. It is also useful to setup a good. Another one of my favorite aliases is for moving up directories alias. Install-Git-in-CentOS-Fedora-RedHat.png' alt='How To Install Sftp Server On Red Hat Linux Logo' title='How To Install Sftp Server On Red Hat Linux Logo' />Since I use so many different machines, my. I am currently logged into. Linux Internet Web Server and Domain Configuration Tutorial HowTo Create an Apache based Linux website server. Create a web server with Linux, Apache, FTP and bind. A popular multifunction virtualizer for Windows and Linux. Who should read this book This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and. Im wondering if there is a way to log commands received by the server. It can be all SSH commands, as long as it includes information on commands related to file. Toolbox. 102907. 1253 PM. Page vii. About the Authors Christopher Negus is the author of the bestselling Fedora and Red Hat Linux Bibles, Linux. As you go through RTMP logs on a Call Manager server, sometimes you can come across a critical warning of the following type LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded. Are you a coder or whitehat hacker looking to make some money on the side Bug bounty hunting might be the perfect gig for you. Download File From Url Using Javascript Functions. The podcast craze of the past several years shows no signs of slowing down, and while every armchair broadcaster with a voice recorder app is eager to get in the game. And some for commonly used variations of ls and typos alias llls l. History can be very useful, but by default on most distributions your history is blown away by each shell exiting, and it doesnt hold much to begin with. I like to have 1. HISTFILESIZE2. 00. HISTSIZE1. 00. 00. Combine multiline commands into one in history. Ignore duplicates, ls without options and builtin commands. HISTCONTROLignoredups. HISTIGNORE ls bfg exit. That way, if I know that Ive done something before but cant remember the specifics, a quick history grep foo will help jog my memory. I often found myself piping output through awk in order to get a certain column of the output, as in df h awk print 2 to find the size of each of my disks. To make this easier, I created a function fawk in my. I can now run df hfawk 2 which saves a good bit of typing. If you need to specify a delimiter e. F for etcpasswd, this function obviously cant handle that. The slightly overhauled version in this gist can handle arbitrary awk arguments before the field number but still requires input from stdin.