How To Create A 6 Figure Membership Site Step By Step. I think you will agree with me when I say Starting a membership site is hard work. But with the right guidance it is much easier than you realise. In fact, it is nothing more than a step by step process that you have to follow So in todays post I am going to show you how I made 1. Collection of Babyface As a singer, producer, and songwriter, Babyface was an inescapable presence in virtually every major facet of pop music during the 90s. Author ALL SOUL AND FUNKhttp hIDSERP,5153. Volcanoes and volcanology GeologyKilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. AndroidPUSHetc. I think you will agree with me when I say Starting a membership site is hard work. But with the right guidance it is much easier than you realise. In fact, it is. PhpFox is a fast, responsive and customizable social network software for online communities. Create your Social Network with our online community builder. Hi Friends This week Im dogsitting for a friend while shes on vacation with her family. The dogs name is Luke. Hes a year old Golden Retriever. SO ADORABLE Cookies, which are files created by websites youve visited, and your browsers cache, which helps pages load faster, make it easier for you to browse the web. What You Will Learn. Why membership sites are so profitable. This is not a procontra review. In this article I try to give you some pointers to make it easy to chose between the two popular content management systems. The. How to create a membership site with Word. Press for free. How to drive traffic to your new membership site. How to get new members. How to keep your members happy. My successful business model revealed. How To Install Theme In Phpfox Review' title='How To Install Theme In Phpfox Review' />So who am I to tell you how to create a membership site Well, my name is Jason Chesters and I run Do. SEOyourself. com. For the past 1. 0 years I have been making and running membership sites online, and these have served as my main source of income. Last year alone my membership sites brought in over 1. The Benefits Of A Membership Site. There are a ton of benefits to starting a membership site or adding one to your current online business. Here are just a few of them Increased Revenue. As I already pointed out, the financial benefits of membership sites are massive. Its like selling a product, and then getting paid again and again each and every month And thats without having to worry about driving more traffic to your site. Imagine having just 1. Yes, thats 4. 00. A steady stream of income every month is what most Internet marketers strive for. Build loyalty. When you sell a one off product you never really get the chance to build a relationship with your customer. The last interaction with them is probably the invoice you send to them If on the other hand a customer becomes a member, you are providing a service and providing new information to that member on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Doing this builds loyalty and respect. This makes it much easier to promote new services and new products in the future. I still sell new products to the same people that I did 1. Now that is a solid foundation for a successful business No Physical Product. Almost all membership sites provide information as their service. Information is FREE. It does not cost anything to provide it, no shipping fees and no stock to purchase. You get to keep almost 1. Lots Of Free Traffic. One of the benefits you probably didnt think of is a consistent flow of traffic. Take a look at this screenshot of one of my current membership sites. Over 2. 9,0. 00 visits and 6. This site is not ranked for anything it picks up hardly any search engine traffic. I have no social media accounts linked to this site and it is not promoted anywhere else other than one of my own sites which Ill be explaining more about later. How To Create A Membership Site With Word. Press For Free. I am going to presume that you already have a website, or you know how to set up a website using Word. Press. If not you can get a domain hosting really cheap to get started with. Its important that your site is based on the Word. Press platform as we are going to be using a membership plugin to take care of all of the back end stuff that is required for the running of membership sites. Just. Host offers a one click installer for Word. Press if you get stuck. Installing The Free Membership Site Software. In your WP dashboard, go to Plugins Add new. In the search box type S2member and click search. Now select the S2member plugin and Install it on your site I have found S2member to be an excellent plugin and is the best membership site software in my opnion. They offer a completely free version and a paid version, I have found that this free membership site software is more than enough for the majority of site owners The capabilities are superb and it offers many functionalities including easy payment integration with the leading payment gateways Paypal, Clickbank, Google wallet, Authorize. Now that you have S2member installed, I am going to run through exactly how to set it up correctly. How S2. Member Works. Its important that you understand how the membership site software works. So here is a brief description on how S2member handles everything Step 1. When your visitors decide that they wish to join, they will be taken to a membership options page I usually call this page, join or subscribe. This is where you contain details such as the price of your product or service, and the actual payment buttons Pay. Pal button for them to click on to subscribe. Step 2. When the visitor clicks the Pay. Pal button they will be taken to the Pay. Pal website where they check that the details are correct and agree to the terms. Once they have finalised the payment they are returned to your site where you provide them, or offer them a username and password of their choice, which enables them to login to the members area The new member is also sent an email automatically, which contains instructions. Step 3. Once the new member has completed this, they will then be allowed to login. The first page that they come to is the Login welcome page. From here you can then direct your members to other areas of your site that are protected by S2member. If at any stage a non member tries to access any of your protected pages, they will automatically be re directed to the membership options page Step 4. S2member handles this whole process automatically. You will also be re billed every cycle until the member cancels their subscription. The S2member membership site software even handles this for you. For example, if your member cancels their subscription on June 7th, they have actually paid up until June 2. S2member will realise this and sync with Pay. Pal so it allows the user to still be able to login up until June 2. After that they will no longer have access to your protected contentSetting Up Your Membership Site. The first thing you must do is create 2 new pages called 1 Subscribe This is your membership options page. Members This is the first page that new members will see. Once you have done this we can set everything up. Here is everything you need to do In your dashboard, click the S2member tab Click on General OptionsYou will be presented with this screen Well now work through each tab to configure the settings. Deactivate safeguards Select YESSecurity Subscription Key Click auto generate and then copy and paste your unique key into notepad and save it somewhere safe Local Host WAMPMAMP Developers This does not affect you unless you are setting up s. CSSJS Lazy loading Leave this on the default settings. Security badge This is optional. I dont bother with it but you may wish to display a security badgeEmail Configuration This is important. Be sure to enter the email address that you want associate with your membership site, enter the from name and your email support email address if it is different. I usually leave the New email user configuration set to NOOpen registration. If you want to offer a Free level of membership then select YES if you are only offering paid levels of membership then enter NO. Ill explain more about this later Membership LevelsLabels This is where you set your different levels of membership. You can re name them to anything you like. I will be covering this topic later in the post and its not something you have to set up straight away LoginRegistration Design S2member uses the standard WP login forms, but you have the option to customise the login page to fit the design of your siteYou can add a logo, change font, size, background colour etc. Spanish Punctuation Marks In Microsoft Word. RegistrationProfile Field options. I select YES for all options, but if you prefer the user to have an auto generated password then you can choose this option Login welcome page Remember the 2 pages we created at the beginning Well this is where you select you Members page.