Nix in. Archs extra repository. You can. install MKVTool. Nix with the simple command pacman S. You can also view the package sites for. MKVTool. Nix. Cent. OS and Red. Hat Enterprise Linux 7. You can get the RPMs for MKVTool. Nix from my yum repository. First you can add that yum repository with the following command sudo rpm Uhv https mkvtoolnix. MKVTool. Nix uses packages from the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux EPEL. Make sure to have it enabled in your installation, too, before installing MKVTool. Nix itself. Then you can install MKVTool. Nix with the following command. You can also browse the download directories Cent. OSRed. Hat 7. x. Cent. OS 6. x You can still get versions up to and including v. Follow the same steps as listed for v. Debian packages. I provide i. Amd. 64 binaries for MKVTool. Nix for. Debian 9 stretch the current stable and Debian 8 jessie the old stable. I do not provide binaries for lib. EBML. and lib. Matroska anymore as theyre already part of the. If those are too old MKVTool. Nix even. bundles the current version of both libraries. You first have to. GPG. key because all of my pools are signed. Run this. once wget q O. You can access the packages by adding the lines below to a file such as etcaptsources. Version. APT source. Debian 9 aka stretch. Debian 8 aka jessie. Now simply run sudo apt update followed by sudo apt install mkvtoolnix mkvtoolnix gui. If updating the package lists fails, make sure you have the package apt transport https installed. Debian 7 wheezy you can get versions up to v. Debians backports repository if you want to install the GUIs as theyre linked against a newer version of Qt. Version. APT source. Debian 7 aka wheezy. Fedora 2. 42. 6. I host i. Fedora 2. 4, 2. 5 and 2. MKVTool. Nix in dnf repositories. Hosts File Entries To Block Adobe Activation Servers there. In order to add the repository all you have to. Uhv https mkvtoolnix. Afterwards you can install MKVTool. Nix with the following command. My GPG keys ID is 1. D2. F5. DC 1. 0C0. A6, and the fingerprint is EB2. BCA1 4. BA6 A2. 4F 1. FEE 1. 6D2 F5. DC 1. C0 5. 2A6. You can also browse the download directories for your version Fedora 2. Fedora 2. 4, Fedora 2. Fedora 2. 6. Fedora 1. I dont provide updated binary packages for current MKVTool. Nix versions for these distributions anymore. However, older. binary packages can still be found in the download directories. You can find MKVTool. Nix and its GUI as a port on. Thanks to Martin Holzer Gentoo does already contain ebuilds for. MKVTool. Nix which you can simply install. OS 1. 0. 9 and newer. Note I dont own a Mac. While I do provide binaries I do not offer support for mac. OS. I dont use that platform, have no programming experience. I have neither the time nor the motivation to hunt down issues on it. At the moment you have two options apart from building the applications yourself. Unsupported binaries by myself, a disk image of 1. It can be downloaded from fosshub. The Home. Brew project is an alternative for those who dont mind compiling from source fully automated. Their port is at. MKVTool. Nix GUI. After installing Home. Brew itself you can install MKVTool. Nix with the. simple command brew install with qt. In the past another user, Jonathan Buschmann, used to provide a universal 3. Snow Leopard 1. 0. Lion 1. 0. 7 and Mountain Lion. You can still download his older builds from here. Mageia. Gtz Waschk is so kind as to build RPM packages for Mageia formerly Mandriva. The current version is in. Cauldron distribution. The repository for. MKVTool. Nix. You can find MKVTool. Nix and its GUI in the pkgsrc tree as. Lubomir Sedlacik. Open. Indiana. You can find MKVTool. Nix and its GUI in. After adding the rpository to. MKVTool. Nix with pkg. SUSE Leap 4. 2. 2 4. Here are some binaries and source RPMs for MKVTool. Nix. for open. SUSE Leap 4. You can simply add my repository to zypper, import my RPM signing key and. MKVTool. Nix. Execute the following once wget https mkvtoolnix. MKVTool. Nix. For 4. MKVTool. Nix. Now you can install the package itself with the following command sudo zypper install mkvtoolnix. My GPG keys ID is 1. D2. F5. DC 1. 0C0. A6, and the fingerprint is EB2. BCA1 4. BA6 A2. 4F 1. FEE 1. 6D2 F5. DC 1. C0 5. 2A6. Older versions I dont provide updated binary packages. MKVTool. Nix for versions up to and including open. SUSE. Leap 4. 2. 1. Older versions can still be found in. Slackware. A way to get MKVTool. Nix running on the latest. Slackware is to download the build script available. Slackbuilds. org and. It will do everything for you. This script was provided. Andrew Strong. 1. Xenial Xerus, 1. Zesty Zapus, 1. Artful Aardvark. I provide i. MKVTool. Nix. I do not provide binaries for lib. EBML. and lib. Matroska anymore as theyre already part of the. If those are too old MKVTool. Nix even. bundles the current version of both libraries. You first have to. GPG. key because all of my pools are signed. Run this. once wget q O. You can access the packages by adding the appropriate lines below to a file such as etcaptsources. Version. APT source. Artful Aardvark. Zesty Zapus. Xenial Xerus. deb https mkvtoolnix. Now simply run sudo apt update followed by sudo apt install mkvtoolnix mkvtoolnix gui. If updating the package lists fails, make sure you have the package apt transport https installed. Download. The current version v. Supported Windows versions. Windows 7 and newer. Checksum verification. If you want to verify the integrity of the downloads please refer. Please note that both the SHA1 and the SHA5. However, they link to files which contain them in full. File name. SHA1 checksum. SHA5. 12 checksummkvtoolnix 3. Chocolatey. If youre using the Chocolatey package manager, you can also install or upgrade MKVTool. Nix with Chocolatey by. Power. Shell. Theyre usually pretty quick to. Their currently offered version is 1. Older versions. All Windows builds for olders versions are available on my site. Zenwalk Linux. Frdric Boulet is maintaining packages for. EBML, lib. Matroska and MKVTool. Nix in. Zenwalks extra. You can install MKVTool. Nix with the simple. Unfortunately I do not have access to other distributions and cannot. If youre interested in providing. Youll find. my email address on the contact page. Enterprise Linux, Open. Stack cloud, software defined storage. Want to keep it within the firewall A private cloud is provisioned for the exclusive use of a single organization, usually within its own firewall. It keeps security within the control of your business, making it easier to manage data sovereignty, compliance and regulatory requirements. SUSE Open. Stack Cloud is the enterprise ready open source private cloud that delivers the improved agility, innovation and faster time to value needed to conquer todays competitive, market and business challenges. More on SUSE Open.