Whether your are basic or experienced Java programmer,this sites suits for you to learn Java interactively. Learn from Netbeans site which divide tutorials into beginner, intermediate,professional levelsjavabeginner As name suggests,it is good for beginners to follow Java beginner site to learn Java online. A step by step guide for fresher to learn the basicson Java Its from OReillys Java website which provides latest Java news and articles and also helpful for Java community, quality code snippets. Jguru Good Question and Answer site to learn Java and post if you have any queries. Coderanch This site offers Java forums, online tutorials on Java, and so on. Developer. com Its a community space for articles, blogs, projects of Java and it is hosted by oracle. IBMs developer works Java articles and forums. Javaworld As said,it is completely a world for Java. Dev. X Java Its a Java Zone in devx that has good Java articles. Java source. net Well organized list of topics to learn Java and also a good collection of Java frameworks. Java API Documentation of the libraries and it is like a search engine for java API. My. Kong Covers Springs,Hibernate and many other java concepts. So are you ready to learn Java online and let me know if I missed any other useful websites for Java learning or Updates. Like this post to tell others about best websites to learn java online.