Over the last ten years, the arctic sea ice has seen a decline. This can be largely attributed to the increased effects of global warming. Normally, during winter. Dirty Jobs is a program on the Discovery Channel, produced by Pilgrim Films Television, in which host Mike Rowe is shown performing difficult, strange, disgusting. Presidents Letter T. Tavern League of Wisconsin is proud to present the 2016 edition of the OnPremise Membership Directory Buyers Guide. Trade journal features current information on the recycling industry. Offers articles, subscription information, newsletter, and classified adds. Booster, an App For Rich People Who Dont Want to Pump Their Own Goddamn Gas, Raises 2. Million. Yet another success for our burgeoning class of Silicon Valley overlords and their relentless quest to delegate all menial tasks in life to some sort of app Booster, a company which dispatches gas trucks to the parking lots of private communities so their inhabitants never need to refill their own gas tanks, is now a thing. Booster recently raised 2. Series B funding round, per Tech. Pump And Dump Geothermal Installation In Wisconsin' title='Pump And Dump Geothermal Installation In Wisconsin' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. President Trump has been touting the newly announced Foxconn plant in Wisconsin that will reportedly bring jobs and an influx of cash to the state. Job Interview Practice Test Why Do You Want This Job Answer this job interview question to determine if you are prepared for a successful job interview. Geclas groundwater pollution control an interim report ge73tmp19 general electric companytempo center for advanced studies santa barbara, california class 3. Before replacing your furnace, air conditioner or heat pump, learn the difference between HVAC manufacturers. Crunch, which has brought the companys total funding to some 3. CEO Frank Mycroft told Tech. Crunch the service is reinventing the concept and habit of getting gas for the 2. In practice, that means the company has partnered with tech giants including Cisco, Oracle and Facebook to have the trucks stop by on a regular basis and refill employees tanks while they are busy ensuring our dystopian future. Its a good deal for the tech companies, who are presenting Booster as a fancy employment perk. But those employees will shoulder 1. CNBC. Since Boosters business model relies on a high density of customers in centralized locations, theyre particularly focused on corporate campuses, universities and of course suburbs. When CNBC asked if the service was really necessary or just a perk for the rich, CEO Frank Mycroft responded, Why did we need Netflix when we had DVDsMycroft also touted the startup as a way for customers to avoid criminals, saying one of its investors parents was killed at a gas station. Violent crime has been plummeting for decades, especially in ritzy locales like the cities many major tech companies are headquartered in or the New York suburbs Mycroft told CNBC Booster is eyeing for future expansion, but heyat least its a way to avoid the kind of people that rich folks think are potential criminals. And to think, some people say theres a tech bubble. Tech. Maybe Dont Tell President Trump Any of Your Secrets. President Donald Trump hates leaks. Well, he hates leaks about himself. The president is 1. Russian officials in the Oval Office or telling the world about off the record conversations he has with CEOs. And its a great lesson for anyone thinking of confiding in the 4. President of the United States. Just dont. President Trump has been touting the newly announced Foxconn plant in Wisconsin that will reportedly bring jobs and an influx of cash to the state. But he insists that the amount of money invested by Foxconn might even be higher than reported. How does Trump know He had an off the record talk with the CEO who told him as much. He told me off the record he may go to 3. Trump said Tuesday in a quote first noticed by CNBC. But he told me that off the record, so I promised I wouldnt tell anybody. Well, so much for that. Free Residential Construction Estimating Software here. Trumps comments came during a press conference at the White House yesterday about small businesses. Foxconn chairman Terry Gou has yet to respond about the off the record conversation. You can watch a short video of Trump talking about their chat below. Secrets aside, the Foxconn deal definitely has more issues than the conservative press have been letting on. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has reported that Wisconsin already waives taxes on manufacturing profits, so the state will effectively be writing huge checks to Foxconn for the company to set up shop. From the Journal Sentinel The subsidies for the deal would amount to nearly 5. Wisconsin taxpayers to secure a manufacturing plant in the state. Instead of getting the previous state standard of 7 cents in tax credits for every 1 in qualifying payroll checks to workers, Foxconn would get 1. Gov. Scott Walker released Friday. And because Wisconsin already waives almost all taxes on manufacturing profits in the state, these incentives represent not a lost opportunity at collecting revenue but an obligation to pay cash to Foxconn out of the state treasury for up to 1. When including a 1. Tuesday. Was the CEO of Foxconn blowing smoke up Trumps ass Did he even say what Trump says he did We really dont know. This is the guy who recently said that the Boy Scouts called him up to thank him for giving the greatest speech ever. The Boy Scouts actually apologized to parents for the politicization of the Boy Scout Jamboree and denies that anyone from the organization said it was the best speech ever. But the lesson remains. If you want to keep a secret, dont tell Donald Trump.