In. Design to MS Word Creative Progressionpdate 11. Ive been informed by a representative from the plugin development company Markzware that their product Page. Zephyr Allows people to extract text not only from In. Design files, but also Publisher and Quarkeven if you do not have these software programs installed on your computer, or have the wrong versions. I downloaded and tested the free trial version today I was quite impressed with my quick overview. I Dont have Quark, but I do have some Quark files that have been sent to me, and Page. Zephyr showed me their text contents quite nicely. It also showed me text from all my In. Design files. I did notice that, at least in the preview window, it seemed to lose all table formatting, and treat each table cell as a paragraph, which could be a real problem if you have tables in your document, but there may be a setting for this. My intent here is not to give a detailed review of Page Zephyr, but to make my article more complete by offering a 3rd party solution to this issue. Ive written a couple of articles about importing content from MS Office into In. Design. But what about going the other way I was recently asked to do this for a client and had to struggle a bit to find the most effective way to accomplish the task. I found limited resources on the Internet, so I decided to write my own article on the topic. But first, we must ask Why Why would you ever want to go back from your beautiful final layout to the lowly word processing stage There arent many good reasons to do this. In this case, the book had been rushed to layout before it had been sufficiently edited, which resulted in extensive and expensive post layout edits made directly in In. Design that were not reflected in the authors MS Word manuscript. But now the author wants to revise his book for the next edition. So we either force the author to buy In. Design or In. Copy and learn to use it, or we export the book back to MS Word. In this case I certainly feel it is appropriate to go back to Word. Im sure there are a few other situations in which this may be needed as well, but it should be pointed out that this is not how the software is intended to be used, and because of this there really isnt an elegant solution. I tried 4 methods to get the document from In. Design to Word. In my experience, none of these methods were very satisfactory. I found the best results using the copypaste method. However, please note that with a reasonable amount of forethought, in most cases going from In. Design back to Word can be avoided all together. I will review each method and then present a summary. Select all text, CopyPastereferred method for text heavy, single story documentsethod simply select al the text in a single story, copy it, and then paste it into Word. Then export graphics separately and manually insert into Word. As for the graphics, Acrobat Pro can export all raster pixel based easily in Acrobat X, go to Tools Document Processing Export All Images. However, any vector graphics will not be recognized by this tool. To export vector graphics, especially ones not compatible with MS Word in their native format such as cropped PDF pages, which I often use in In. Design, select each image in In. Design and export the selection as a JPG. Pros preserves appearance better than export RTFgets all text in a single storypreserves paragraphcharacter stylespreserves footnotes. Cons works for a single story, so unsuitable for some layoutsimages are not included with text export, but must be exported separately and then manually inserted into the text in Word. If the images are vector based, they must be exported one at a time from In. Design. may require editing of styles for proper appearance. Export RTFmethod click cursor in a story, go to file, choose export RTF. Pros Cons does not preserve appearance as well as copypasteharder to do than copypaste. Export PDF Save as Word from Acrobatmethod Export file or book to PDF, then open PDF in Acrobat Pro and export as a Word document. Exact steps to do this depend on your version in Acrobat X, go to the File menu and choose Save As Microsoft Word Word 1. Document. When I used the Word Document option, I got a file that would cause my version of Word 2. Pros exports multiple stories simultaneouslypreserves some graphics and approximate position. Cons does not preserve some charts and graphics, as vector graphics with text will be converted to text and their formatting lost. Does not preserve stylesconverts footnotes to inline paragraphsconverts lists to typed numbers and bulletsmay cause hyphenations from In. Design to become permanentmay include headers, footers, and other unwanted text in the body textmay make a complete mess of some content especially vector based charts, as mentioned aboveExport to PDF Use a 3rd Party Convert to Word Utilitymethod export the document or book to PDF and then use a third party converter, such as PDF Online. Pros may preserve formatting better than Export to PDF Save as Word from Acrobat. Cons Same limitations as listed for Export to PDF Save for Word from Acrobat. May involve additional cost. Alien The Board Game Hacked there. Summary of methods. As a general rule, Ive always said never work from a PDF if you have the source document, and this still continues to be true in light of my recent testing. If you wish to preserve In. Design footnotes, dont export to PDF and then go to Word. If you do, your footnotes will be converted to regular paragraphs. In addition, if you use paragraph and character styles, copyingpasting stories will preserve those styles so that you can more easily format the document in Word simply by editing the styles rather than the individual paragraphs. If you have a graphics heavy layout or a design with many separate stories or unthreaded text frames, then you may wish to try the export to PDF route. This becomes even more true if you have no footnotes to preserve. However, dont be surprised to see permanent hyphens, running headers footers, andor vector graphic content mixed up in the body text of your document. There isnt an easy answer, but certainly for the text heavy book I needed to export the best method was to copypaste the text and then export each vector graphic which was a cropped PDF page to JPG and then insert into the Word doc just so the author could see approximately where they appeared in the layout, and get an idea of how they look. The book contained no raster images, so in this case I was not able to use the image export tool from Acrobat Pro.