Generates the Lang. Setup. The following international servicing options are available for an offline image DISM. Image lt pathtoofflineimagedirectory Get Intl Set UILang Set UILang. Fallback Set Sys. Locale Set User. Locale Set Input. Locale Set All. Intl Set Timezone Set SKUIntl. Defaults Set Layered. Driver Gen Langini Set Setup. UILang DistributionThe following international servicing options are available for a running operating system DISM. OnlineGet Intl. The following table provides a description of how each international servicing option can be used. These options are not case sensitive. Option Get Help When used immediately after an international servicing command line option, information about the option and the arguments is displayed. Additional topics might become available when an image is specified. Examples Dism image C testoffline Set UILang Dism online Get intl Option Get Intl. Displays information about international settings and languages. Use the Online option to display information about international settings and languages in the running operating system. Use the Image lt pathtoofflineimagedirectory option to display information about international settings and languages in the offline image. When used with the Distribution options, information about international settings and languages in the distribution is displayed. How To Install Adobe After Effects Cs3 Crack. The name of the folder in the distribution share is not validated. It will be reported as Langpacks lt localename Lp. Where lt localename is the name of the folder. Note. The user locale is reported only for offline images. The report does not include this setting for running operating systems. Examples Dism online Get Intl. Dism image C testoffline Get Intl. Dism image C testoffline distribution C windowsdistribution Get Intl. Option Set UILang Argument lt languagename Sets the default system user interface UI language. If the language is not installed in the Windows image, the command will fail. JP. Note. If you install a Language Interface Pack LIP and specify its language as the default UI language, the LIP language will be set as the system default UI language or Install language and the parent language will be set as the default UI language. Example Dism image C testoffline Set UILang fr FROption Set UILang. Fallback Argument lt languagename Sets the fallback default language for the system UI in the offline Windows image. This setting is used only when the language specified by the Set UILang option is a partially localized language. US. Example Dism image C testoffline Set UILang. Fall. Back fr FROption Set Syslocale Argument lt localename Sets the language for non Unicode programs also called system locale and font settings in the offline Windows image. Unicode for example, en US. Important. You cannot set Unicode only languages as the system locale. If you try, the Set Sys. Locale option will fail and the language for non Unicode programs will not be changed. Example Dism image C testoffline Set Sys. Locale fr FROption Set User. Locale Argument lt localename Sets the standards and formats language also called user locale in the offline Windows image. The standards and formats language is a per user setting that determines default sort order and the default settings for formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers. Example Dism image C testoffline Set User. Locale fr FROption Set Input. Locale Argument lt inputlocale lt keyboardlayout Sets the input locales and keyboard layouts to use in the offline Windows image. The value of the lt inputlocale lt keyboardlayout pair can be one of the following lt languageid keyboardlayout For example, 0. For example, if you specify en US as the local name, The Set Input. Locale option also sets the default keyboard layout defined for this locale. You can specify more than one value by using semicolons as separators. This is useful when you want to include support for multiple keyboards on a single computer. The first value will be set as the default keyboard. The valid keyboard layouts that can be configured on your computer are listed in the following registry key. HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetControlKeyboard Layouts. For a list of the values, see Default Input Locales and Default Keyboard Settings. Use the hexadecimal value of the language ID and keyboard layout that you intend to configure. This parameter is optional. Example Dism image C testoffline Set Input. Locale fr fr. Dism image C testoffline Set Input. Locale 0. 41. 0 0. Option Set All. Intl Argument lt languagename Sets the default system UI language, the language for non Unicode programs, the standards and formats language, and the input locales and keyboard layouts to the specified language in the offline Windows image. This option specifies the language value for the following UI language. System locale. User locale. Input locale. If used with any of the options that specify the individual language or locales, then the individual settings take precedence. US, es ES, or fr FR. Example Dism image C testoffline Set All. Intl fr FROption Set Time. Zone Argument lt timezonename Sets the default time zone in a Windows image. Before setting the time zone, DISM verifies that the specified time zone string is valid for the image. Pacific Standard Time. For a complete list of time zone strings, see the Windows Unattended Setup Reference. On a computer that is running Windows 7, you can use the tzutil command line tool to list the time zone for that computer. The tzutil tool is installed by default on Windows 7. The name of the time zone must exactly match the name of the time zone settings in the registry in HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionTime. Zoneslt strong. If you add a custom time zone to your computer, you can specify that custom time zone string. Example Dism image C testoffline Set Time. Zone W. Europe Standard TimeOption Set SKUIntl. Defaults Argument lt languagename Sets the default system UI language, the language for non Unicode programs, the standards and formats language, and the input locales, keyboard layouts, and time zone values in an offline Windows image to the default value specified by lt languagename. The Set SKUIntl. Defaults option does not change the keyboard driver for Japanese and Korean keyboards. You must use the Set Layered. Driver option to change this.