Windows Server Update Service Service Pack 2 OS. This is a mergedcompiled list of Windows Update Agent resultreturnerror codes. WUA has various result codes of its own, but it also inherits from Win32, and when. SOLVED WSUS 3. 0 SP2 Error 0x. EE2. Scott. 38. 23 wrote Nothing has changed regarding drivers or the NIC, and some of the computers are desktops and some are laptops so different NICs. I have disabled the FW and AV, I am not removing the AV as I dont consider that a viable solution. I will try the UAC but again these machines are no different than all the rest that work. This article describes our problem exactly and makes a lot of sense why some machines work and some dont but unfortunately the fix did not resolve our issue. I really thought I finally found the answer considering how many people said it worked for them. OK but have you though of at least updating the drivers or the NIC To at least rule them out Same goes for AV, uninstall it, check if systems check in to WSUS YesIssue with AV, NoNot an issue with AV reinstall AV. We have all been there with machines which are no different to any other machines, believe me I have said that as an end user and as server engineer. But its BS and I know it. Windows doesnt behave that way, stuff breaks and thats the way it is. The problem systems should have everything updated driver wise, if you can update them via Windows Online Updates, do so. No harm. Does it check in then YesIssue with either driver, windows update, NoIssue wasnt with drivers or Windows updates you havnt wasted your time, the machine is fully updated. Resolved Cannot get by Win Update error 0x. EE2. I installed XPP on a a Dell machine earlier today. I installed a few programs including Office and then went to update but received the 0x. EE2 error. I have worked my way through the various solutions offered online for this error but I am still getting it and cannot update. Undaunted, I decided to reformat again and do another clean install. When I say clean, I mean I have installed XPP on the formatted HDD and only added the network, video and sound drivers from Dells support website. There is no other 3rd party software installed. In spite of this I am still getting the 0x. EE2 error when I am on Windows Update. Does anyone have any suggestions becausae I have exhausted other avenues.