Cast Away Wikipedia. Cast Away is a 2. American epicsurvivaldrama film directed and co produced by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, and Nick Searcy. The film depicts a Fed. Ex employee stranded on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific and his attempts to survive on the island using remnants of his planes cargo. The film was released on December 2. It was a critical and commercial success, grossing 4. Hanks being nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 7. Academy Awards. 2In December 1. Chuck Noland is a time obsessed systems engineer, who travels worldwide resolving productivity problems at Fed. Ex depots. He is in a long term relationship with Kelly Frears, with whom he lives in Memphis, Tennessee. Although the couple wants to get married, Chucks busy schedule interferes with their relationship. A Christmas with relatives is interrupted when Chuck is summoned to resolve a problem in Malaysia. While flying through a violent storm, his plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Chuck escapes the sinking plane and is saved by an inflatable life raft, but loses the emergency locator transmitter. He clings to the life raft, loses consciousness, and floats all night before being washed up on an island. After he awakens, he explores the island and soon discovers that it is uninhabited. Several Fed. Ex packages from the crashed plane wash up on the shore, as well as the corpse of one of the pilots, which he buries. He initially tries to signal for rescue and makes an escape attempt with the remnants of his life raft, but cannot pass the powerful surf and the coral reefs surrounding the island. He searches for food, water, and shelter, and opens the packages, finding a number of potentially useful items. He leaves one package, which has a pair of angel wings stenciled on it, unopened. During a first attempt to make fire, Chuck receives a deep wound to his hand. In anger and pain, he throws several objects, including a Wilson volleyball from one of the packages. A short time later he draws a face in the bloody hand print on the ball, names it Wilson, and begins talking to it. One night, Chuck calculates that in order for the rescue workers to find the site of the plane crash, they will have to search an area twice the size of Texas, making him doubtful he will ever be found. Four years later, Chuck has adapted to the meager living conditions on the island, having become adept at spearing fish and making fires. Box Shot 3D 2 9 4 Portable Water' title='Box Shot 3D 2 9 4 Portable Water' />Exquisite image quality and creative freedom in a truly compact package. For razorsharp images and proquality defocused backgrounds, the Sony Cybershot RX100. Enhance your fishing experience with topwater lures and baits from Cabelas that are designed in a variety of styles including scum frogs, torpedo lures, frenzy. He also has regular conversations and arguments with Wilson, which has become his only means of socialization. A large section from a portable toilet washes up on the island Chuck uses it as a sail in the construction of a raft. After spending some time building and stocking the raft and deciding when the weather conditions will be optimal using an analemma he has created in his cave to monitor the time of year, he launches, using the sail to overcome the powerful surf. After some time on the ocean, a storm nearly tears his raft apart. The following day, as Chuck sleeps, Wilson becomes untethered and floats away from the raft. Learn how to do just about everything at eHow. Find expert advice along with How To videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, grow, or do. Tips For Learning Manual Driving Lessons there. ThinkGeek creates unique products that stimulate the imagination. Shop for apparel, home and office, gadgets, collectibles, and more. Free shipping available You will get three beauty items, including at least one item from NARS and one MAC item. The bag may include lipstick, other lip products, eye shadow, nail polish, or. Chuck is wakened by the spray of a sounding whale, sees Wilson, and swims after him, but Wilson has gone too far to safely retrieve. Chuck returns to the raft and collapses in tears. Later, a passing cargo ship finds him, drifting. Upon returning to civilization, Chuck learns that he has long been given up for dead his family and acquaintances have held a funeral, and Kelly has since married Chucks one time dentist and has a daughter. After reuniting with Kelly, the pair profess their love for each other but, realizing they cannot be together because of her commitment to her new family, they sadly part. Kelly gives Chuck the keys to the car they once shared. Sometime later, after buying a new volleyball, Chuck travels to Canadian, Texas, to return the unopened Fed. Ex package with the angel wings to its sender, a woman named Bettina Peterson. The house at the address is empty, so he leaves the package at the door with a note saying that the package saved his life. He departs and stops at a remote crossroads. A friendly woman passing by in a pickup truck stops to explain where each road leads. As she drives away, Chuck notices the angel wings on the back of her truck are identical to those on the parcel. As Chuck is left standing at the crossroads he looks down each road, then smiles faintly as he looks in the direction of the womans truck. ProductioneditThe films shooting occurred between 1. Hanks gained 5. 0 pounds 2. After a majority of the film was shot, production was halted for a year so that he could lose the weight and grow his hair and beard to look like he had been living on the island for years. During the year long hiatus, Zemeckis used the same film crew to make another film, What Lies Beneath. Cast Away was filmed on Monuriki, one of the Mamanuca Islands in Fiji. It is in a subgroup of the Mamanuca archipelago, which is sited off the coast of Viti Levu, Fijis largest island. The island became a tourist attraction following the films release. After Chucks return, it is identified by Kelly as being about 6. Cook Islands, but there is actually no land between the southernmost Cook Islands of Mangaia and Antarctica. The film essentially begins and ends in the same location, on the Arrington Ranch in the Texas Panhandle south of the city of Canadian, Texas. The films minimal score was composed by Alan Silvestri for which he won a Grammy Award in 2. The films soundtrack is most notable for its lack of score and creature sound effects such as bird song or insect sounds while Chuck is on the island, which is intended to reinforce the feeling of isolation. Cast Away contains no original musical score until Chuck escapes the island. However, there is a Russian choral piece heard near the start of the film that was not composed or even recorded by Silvestri, so it does not appear on the films soundtrack list. It is a traditional Russian song written by Lev Knipper called Oh, My Field Polyushko, Polye and it is available on various collections of Red Army hymns. The tracks in Silvestris score are as follows Cast Away 3 4. Wilson, Im Sorry 1 3. Drive to Kellys 3 5. Love of My Life 1 4. What the Tide Could Bring 3 3. Crossroads 2 0. End Credits 7 2. The official soundtrack CD is an anthology of musical pieces from all films up to that point directed by Zemeckis and scored by Silvestri. The only track from Cast Away itself is the theme from the end credits. Fed. Ex provided access to their facilities Memphis, Los Angeles, and Moscow as well as airplanes, trucks, uniforms, and logistical support. A team of Fed. Ex marketers oversaw production through more than two years of filming. Fed. Ex CEO Fred Smith made an appearance as himself for the scene where Chuck is welcomed back, which was filmed on location at Fed. Exs home facilities in Memphis, Tennessee. The idea of a story based on a Fed. Ex plane crashing gave the company a heart attack at first, but the overall story was seen as positive. Fed. Ex, which paid no money for product placement in the film,8 saw an increase in brand awareness in Asia and Europe following the films release. Wilson the volleyballeditIn the film, Wilson the volleyball serves as Chuck Nolands personifiedfriend and only companion during the four years that Noland spends alone on a deserted island. Named after the volleyballs manufacturer, Wilson Sporting Goods, the character was created by screenwriter William Broyles, Jr. While researching for the film, he consulted with professional survival experts, and then chose to deliberately strand himself for one week on an isolated beach in the Gulf of California, to force himself to search for water and food, and obtain his own shelter. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore. This was the inspiration for the films inanimate companion. Planet Solid. Works. Have a smartphone or VR headset and wish you could teleport yourself into your Visualize project Well wish no more New for SOLIDWORKS Visualize Pro 2. Virtual Reality images and animations. This adds yet another level of photo realism to the already awesome Visualize content you have relied on to get your products to market faster Drastically reduce physical prototyping costs Improve internal designengineering reviews Make important decisions much earlier in the development process Create viral marketing experiences to promote your newest products. Visualize 2. 01. 8 allows you to create 3. This image can then be viewed with any VR headset from HTC Vive all the way to even a 1. Google Cardboard. Weve even given you an option to preview this 3. You can also create proper stereo left eye, right eye as well, however its not required for this new 3. Lets see exactly how this works. TO RENDER A 3. 60 IMAGE 1 Create a camera and select the new 3. Type dropdown in the Cameras Tab General sub tab. This will automatically set your camera to the required 2 1 aspect ratio. In Preview mode, you will now see a slightly wider view of your scene in the Viewport. Only Fast and Accurate and of course Power. Boost raytrace modes will show you the warped photorealistic final image, so you will need to use either of those modes to see how the final image will look. Using the keyboardmouse shortcuts to Pan and Zoom, position your new 3. This 3. 60 camera type is omni direction and will always remain level non twisted. You can even use Multi Viewports with another camera to manually drag the 3. Another helpful trick is to enter the desired height of the camera in the Cameras Tab Transform sub tab Camera Positioning Height from Floor in meters. Once youve roughly positioned the 3. Cameras tab and enable Preview 3. Panorama. This unique view changes your Viewport to what youd see in the final 3. VR experience. Its also raytracing live, just like your normal Viewport Use this preview to make sure your camera positioning is exactly where you want it perfectly positioned over a seat, in the middle of the hallway, standing next to a table, etc. Only rotating the camera around in this Preview 3. Disable Preview 3. Panorama to re adjust your 3. Preview 3. 60 Panorama to see the results. Repeat as necessary until your placement is just right. Once your 3. 60 camera is perfectly positioned, and with the Preview 3. Panorama enabled, rotate your view to where you want to start in the VR experience then click the Set Startup View button. This sets the first view you see in the final VR experience. Turn off raytracing by selecting Preview mode from the Main Toolbar. With the new 3. 60 camera active, left click the Render button in the Main Toolbar. Select JPG as the Image Format and make sure to enable the new checkbox Embed Virtual Reality Playback for Social Media. This embeds the necessary metadata to view your immersive 3. VR devices. Note that very high resolution for 3. In order to minimize any pixelization in your Virtual Reality experience, you need to select much higher resolution. Minimum 4. 09. 62. Recommended 6. 00. Maximum 8. 19. 24. Start the render and when it finishes, see the next steps below. TO VIEW A 3. 60 IMAGE IN VIRTUAL REALITY Since everyone has a smartphone these days, weve first focused on that device for experiencing this new Virtual Reality content. Plus this new VR content is perfect for viral social media campaigns. That said, you can still view this new VR content on any VR device, including Vive and Oculus with their installed viewers. Once your 3. 60 image render has completed, you now need to host it online somewhere to view it on your smartphone. There are several ways to do this the following is the one I like to use. I choose to upload my images to Flickr. Once your image has uploaded to Flickr, click on the image to view it. This displays the direct URL needed for the next step. Copy this unique URL. This next step takes your freshly rendered 3. Follow the instructions in this link and paste your unique URL in the first step. Then select 3. 60 and keep the defaults. Click load sometimes twice and youll see your 3. Almost done Note if youve rendered a proper leftright eye stereo image, then choose Stereo 3. D at the top and alter the settings accordingly. Now all you have to do is share this modified 3. Scroll down below the Preview section, expand Exportshare and click Shareable URL. This will open a new tab with your final VR 3. Copy this link and paste it into an email, for the final step below. Email yourself this link, open it on any smartphone, then place your smartphone into your VR device of choice Samsung Gear. VR, Google Daydream, 1. Google Cardboard, etc. Now youve teleported into your CAD file, with full photorealism There are other ways to view 3. Virtual Reality this is just the method I prefer. TO RENDER AND VIEW 3. VIDEO FOR VIRTUAL REALITY Since the new 3. Visualize Pro and experience it in virtual reality. This includes walkthroughs, camera flys, exploded views, fading the opacity of partsmodels, Sun Studies and more. While you can create 3. Visualize Pro 2. 01. SP0, its a very technical manual process to encode the metadata for You. Tube playback. We have created our own FAST, EASY, FUN workflow for viewing 3. Visualize, and are targeting 2. SP1 for this automated process. SP1 will be available in early December. Below are some example VR links to experience the immersive photo quality for yourself. Simply open this email on your smartphone, click on one of the links, and pop your phone into your VR headset of choice TRAKKA 1lt iframe allowfullscreenallowfullscreen frameborder0 height3. Params3. 60,1. 80,0,0 amp is. Stereofalse amp planefalse width6. TRAKKA 3lt iframe allowfullscreenallowfullscreen frameborder0 height3. Params3. 60,1. 80,0,0 amp is. Stereofalse amp planefalse width6. AIRPLANE 1lt iframe allowfullscreenallowfullscreen frameborder0 height3. Params3. 60,1. 80,0,0 amp is. Stereofalse amp planefalse width6. AIRPLANE 4lt iframe allowfullscreenallowfullscreen frameborder0 height3. Params3. 60,1. 80,0,0 amp is. Stereofalse amp planefalse width6. AIRPLANE Sun Study 3. Hzwas. A featureoembed width1. Dont forget to follow SOLIDWORKS Visualize Product Manager bhillner on twitter for product news and updates, and share your SOLIDWORKS Visualize creations on social media with swvisualize and gettinvizzy More Resources to get started with SOLIDWORKS Visualize DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SEAT OF SOLIDWORKS VISUALIZE right now to bring your products to market faster than ever before. WATCH TWO WEBINARS on SOLIDWORKS Visualize and its many benefits to up your render game to a whole new level. WATCH THE TUTORIALS to master SOLIDWORKS Visualize in no time and impress your boss with photo quality content. SOLIDWORKS CAD Professional Premium users on active Subscription receive the matching number of complimentary Visualize Standard seats. Learn more here. Author information. Brian Hillner is the SOLIDWORKS Visualize Product Manager. The post Quickstart Guide to Using Virtual Reality in SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional 2. SOLIDWORKS Tech Blog.