Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and Philly. This is OldSoftware. IBM compatible selection of software, accessories, and supplies for both old and new computers. Carmen Sandiego Wikipedia. Carmen Sandiego sometimes referred to as Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego American software company Broderbund. YFJ9zI0zc4/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Carmen San Diego Math Detective Download' title='Carmen San Diego Math Detective Download' />Originally classified as a mystery exploration series by creators and the media2, the series were later classified as edutainment when the games became unexpectedly popular in classrooms. The franchise centers around the fictional thieving villain of the same name, who is the ringleader of the criminal organisation, V. I. L. E. the protagonists most often including a computer player are agents of the ACME Detective Agency who try to thwart the crooks plans to steal treasures from around the world, while the later ultimate goal is to capture Carmen Sandiego herself. The franchise primarily focuses on teaching children geography, but has also branched out into history, mathematics, language arts, and other subjects. An attempt was made to create a series of state specific games in the 1. North Dakota. Beginning in 1. INTER. NET NO CONTRACT RESIDENTIAL PHONE AND INTERNET SERVICE offering no contract Phone and Internet service so you can try something different and better with. ACME. The ACME Detective Agency or ACME Crimenet changed to ACME Timenet in Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego is the organization that the user or protagonists. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Carmen Sandiego Days became popular across American public schools. In the 1. 99. 0s, the franchise has extended into three television shows, books and comics, board games, a concert series, two planetarium shows, and two music albums. Towards the turn of the 2. Carmen Sandiego property passed through a series of five corporate hands Broderbund 1. The Learning Company 1. Mattel 1. 99. 9, The Gores Group 2. Riverdeep 2. 00. Subsequent acquisitions and mergers of Riverdeep led to the franchise currently being in the possession of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The franchise has become known for its ability to surreptitiously teach facts, breed empathy for other cultures, and develop logic skills, all behind a mask of highly entertaining detective mystery experiences. One aspect of the series that has received consistent praise by critics is its diverse representation of strong, independent, and intelligent minority women. Carmen Sandiego herself is Hispanic, and it has never been implied that her ethnicity is correlated to her thievery. Meanwhile, The Chief from the World game show was African American, a bold choicecitation needed for childrens television when she appeared between 1. These two characters have helped to bring such representations into the mainstream and legitimise leadership roles for young women. It has been noted that many of the geographical locations at the time of the franchises release were no longer accurate, due to the events such as the dissolutions of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia that signalled the end of the Cold War. Carmen Sandiego has maintained a considerable popularity and commercial success over its history. Carmen Sandiego is one of the top 3. Returns in 2. 01. By 1. 99. 7, Carmen Sandiego games had been translated into three different languages, and over 5 million copies had been sold into schools and homes worldwide. All three television shows have together been nominated for a grand total of 4. Daytime Emmy Awards winning 8, while World also won a Peabody Award. They had a combined viewing audience of over 1. The franchise will continue on television with the premiere of a eponymous Netflix series, which is due to air in 2. HistoryeditBackground 1. The original game idea started in 1. Broderbund programmer Dane Bigham, wanting to take the idea of text adventure games like Colossal Cave Adventure but create a menu driven interface to be played on the Apple II computer. Initial work was done with Broderbunds Rubber Room artists, Gene Portwood and Lauren Elliott, creating a game where the player would chase down various crooks. Broderbund co founder Gary Carlston suggested changing the concept to be focused on geography, anticipating shipping copies of The World Almanac to let players research clues and find the right answers for geography questions. As Bigham was not thrilled with this direction, he focused more on the interface, and Carlston hired David Siefkin to write the games story. Free Bulk Email Validator Software Store. Siefkin came up with the idea of the player tracking down numerous criminals, and developed several criminal personas, including Carmen Sandiego. The other staff found this name mysterious and exotic, in addition to being a female character they could use to attract younger women to the game. From Siefkins script, they expanded out the idea of the criminal organization V. I. L. E. Villains International League of Evil and the ACME Detective Agency with ACME joking considered an initialism for A Company that Makes Everything. The core gameplay was then established, having the player as an ACME recruit to chase down underlings within V. I. L. E., following geography based clues to complete their search, and working up their ranks in ACME until they were tasked to go after Carmen herself. The game proved successful, unexpected from the educational market, as it became a staple in many classrooms. Brderbund era 1. I think the problem is that geography, like far too many things, is presented as dry and dull and boring by people who must have personally found it that way. I dont think it has to be. We dont use the word educational anywhere on any of our products. The term translates into boring in kidspeak. I prefer explorational. Broderbund CEO Doug Carlston, Interview with Albuquerque Journal, January 2. During the 1. 98. Broderbund followed the first Carmen Sandiego video game with U. S. A., Europe, Time, Americas Past, Space, and Junior Detective, reboots of World, U. S. A., and Great Chase Through Time, and finally released Word Detective and Math Detective. The first seven games of the franchise were each awarded one or more SPA Excellence in Software Awards, particularly for their educational effort. Carmen Sandiego games comprised 2. Brderbunds total revenue in 1. The Print Shop. 1. By 1. 99. 7, Carmen Sandiego games had been translated into three different languages, and over 5 million copies had been sold into schools and homes worldwide. Carmen Sandiego also appeared in three television shows during this era. The World game show was broadcast on PBS between 1. Daytime Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award. World was followed by Time, which would later aired up until its cancellation in 1. It was acknowledged that time as a subject can be more subjective that geography, but that the show hoped to tackle challenging material like the Japanese American internment camps during World War II in a straightforward and educational way. The Earth animated series was broadcast on FOX between 1. In 1. 99. 6, President. Bill Clinton stated When I met the co leaders of San Marino at the Olympics, I knew where it was because of Carmen Sandiego. The Learning Company era 1. After Brderbund was purchased by The Learning Company in 1. Learning Company apparently sought to redesign the series. The company assessed that the brand was currently stagnating, but thought it was easier to revive an established brand than start a new one. Under The Learning Company, the series seems to take its premise more seriously and uses character based humor. Since The Learning Company has only created two Carmen Sandiego games, one of which is no longer sold, this change is evident mainly through marketing and which Brderbund products The Learning Company has chosen to continue to sell. The first title released by The Learning Company was Think. Quick Challenge, a quiz game with a similar tonality to Word Detective and Math Detective, which included the reappearance of Chase Devineaux. The new structure of Time was apparently to The Learning Companys liking since their new version of World, titled Treasures of Knowledge, was similar. The Learning Company decided to return the series to its original focus on geography, discontinuing Word Detective, Math Detective, and Think. Quick Challenge. In 2. Bam Entertainment released The Secret of the Stolen Drums on the Game. Cube, Xbox, and Play.