Business Valuation and Deal Structure Softwareor a cash flow lender, or a mezzanine lender, or a combination. Similarly, BVX valuation will be different if the transaction. Similarly, BVX valuation will be different. BVX results are more believable, because they are. BVX does not use any formulas, nor does it use any market. Subjective inputs like weighting factors, cost of capital, selection of valuation. Equilibrium. method used by BVX. Valuation In Seconds, easy to use and easy to learn The power of Business Value. Xpress BVXis easily. One user said, BVX is a shoulder fired, thermonuclear. G. R., New Jersey Due to one screen operation and user friendly intuitive. The new valuation template, that opens every time one starts BVX. Treasury Solutions. Efficient Treasury Solutions services can help you manage cash flow, maximize investment income, deter fraud and simplify everyday tasks. Product Description. You dont need an attorney to start and run a business most of the legal work involved simply requires reliable information and the right. Investment Common Stock Calculator Comprehensive Bond Calculator Annual Rate of Return Investment and Cash Flow Analyzer Holding Period Return Calculator Present. Golden Valley Real Estate startup real estate business plan executive summary. Startup company Golden Valley Real Estate will target the burgeoning retiree market. Cash Estate Flow Real Software Download' title='Cash Estate Flow Real Software Download' />BVX eliminates subjective inputs, and limits inputs to those which are. This makes it one. BVX has many features that are not. Unique Features Business Value. Xpress BVXprovides many features. Some of these unique features are,Simultaneous determination. Mezzanine equity. Windows Vista Fr 32 Bits Activation Serial Key. Stock vs. Asset Valuation,Cash Value vs. Financed Valuation. Impact of tax driven purchase price allocation,Strategic Buyer impact,Exit Strategy. Seamless transition between valuation. Instantaneous What. Other Features 5 year inputs. Financing Inputs Revolver, Term Loan, Over Advance Loan. Loan with Deferred Principal, Balloon Loan, and Mezzanine financing with principal. Non compete and Consulting payments. Independent Real Estate financials and ROI analysis. Note. BVX does not value real estate, but does analyze its financials. Reports can be printed or. Excel. The reports consist of 1 a two page Summary report of valuation. ROI, sourcesuses of funds, purchase price allocation, bank loan. BVX is a paradigm shift in the field. Commonly known finance theory states, the value of. Such theory and its advancements have been. However, the real world has significant. In real world. value of a firm depends on available financing, terms of the deal, the structure. Business Value. Xpress BVXdefines Value of a Firm. Value of a Firm is the Equilibrium of. Price, Terms, and Deal Structure that satisfies the needs of all parties to an M A. BVX calls this approach to valuation as the Equilibrium. Using BVXs Equilibrium approach one values businesses. Future Performance, Financial Leverage, Financial Return Expectation, Cash. Flow Not Profits, Deal Structure, Asset Type, and Exit Strategy. For more discussion. Valuation Approach of Business Value. Xpress. The Equilibrium approach satisfies the needs of all parties. Some of the needs that BVX satisfies. ROI target, meet. For more discussion. BVXMethodology. BVX is a management tool to understand. Owners are always interested in increasing shareholder. To this end, sales and profit improvement get the most attention. However. there are other value drivers that can improve shareholder value. The interactive. capability of Business Value. Xpress BVXis designed to help quickly identify. For example, What is the impact on business value of. What is the impact on business value of. Does growth always mean more value Does higher profit margin mean higher. Why do process industry valuations differ. What if the sales growth comes from slow paying. BVX is a powerful tool for instantaneous What if analysis. Many of its answers are counter intuitive, and often, unexpected. BVX moves valuations from the back office. Why are business valuations done in the. Why is business valuation a big Project The objective inputs, and the resulting objective valuation. Business Value. Xpress BVX, empower the user with the confidence of doing live. No longer business. BVX is being used on a negotiating table to help bridge differences. BVX eliminates the defensive posture that one needs to take. With BVX, there are no inputs for choosing valuation methods, weighting factors. A seamless valuation tool and a deal. Business Value. Xpress BVX provides two powerful business. Valuation tool and a Deal Structure tool. A single common screen is used for doing valuations, and for analyzing deal structures. What if scenarios. As a valuation tool, BVX determines the Best Value that. The Best Value is where most. The Deal Structure capability of BVX is unmatched in its. Its use is. limited by ones imagination and understanding of financials. What would happen to cash flow and ROI. What should be the price decrease if the. What are the economic implications of. Asset offer to a Stock offer What happens if growth projections do. What happens if the profit is less than. If any input is changed, after determining the Best Value. BVX automatically changes into an interactive mode. All outputs are instantaneously. For example, if the deal structure is changed from. Asset Purchase to a Stock Purchase all outputs including Buyer ROI, income statement. Similarly, if the deal. BVX uses intelligent color coding to flag. BVX can be used for small or large. Business Value. Xpress BVX has been used in many different. Even though. BVX inputs are independent of the size and the type of the business, its valuations. Why are BVX valuation results so accurate This. BVX relies heavily on the operating characteristics of the. The fundamental premise of BVX. For example, lets us say there are 3 companies manufacturing. Grabule, a health care product. Assume that each one of them makes the same profit. One company. sells to the drug stores, the second to the hospitals, and the third to the retail. BVX will come with a different valuation for. For Mergers Acquisition Advisors. Business Brokers, CPAs, Lenders, Financial Advisors, Sellers, Buyers, and Attorneys. The convenience and the accuracy of Business Value. Xpress. BVX opens new markets for decentralized business valuation in the hands of many. Following observations are based on user feedback. BVX helps M A advisors. CPAs and Accountants can. They can stand behind their work without having to. They can now offer an. Many CPAs are able to use this fact for cost justification. Higher quality financial statements improve. Financial advisors, whose. They no longer have to wait months for the business owner to get an outside business. Sellers, who have some financial familiarity, can perform their own valuations. BVX helps management understand shareholder value impact resulting from decisions. BVX business valuation. BVX helps buyers make an defensible. ROI expectations and ability to get it financed. BVX also helps the buyer develop creative deal structures to satisfy the lender. Lenders and attorneys can use BVX for a quick in house assessment of the transaction. BVX performs 5. 00,0. Business Value. Xpress BVX does not use any formulas. How. does then BVX determine the valuation of a business BVX uses random numbers generators to start with a set. It then calculates a complete. Then it tests to see. M A transaction. If all needs are not satisfied, BVX changes the starting set of numbers and tries. It goes through this iterative process until all requirements are satisfied. The number of calculations can vary depending. Typically, BVX would perform 5. For more discussion see BVX methodology. Real Estate REIT Modeling. All three case studies describe properties up for sale or new developments seeking investment and pose a simple question to you Case Study 1 Stabilized Multifamily Acquisition The Lyric SeattleThis case study is all about understanding the market and seeing trends that others are missing. Youll receive an investment memo that describes The Lyric, a mixed studio 1 BR 2 BR multifamily property in Seattle, as well as market data on net absorptions, cap rates, historical rent and vacancy rate trends, and more. Then, youll create a 1. Pro Forma model for the property based on this data and the case study instructions. You will learn how to make the appropriate acquisition and exit assumptions, how to measure debt repayment capacity via coverage ratios, and how to come up with different operational scenarios based on market trends. Youll also analyze the unleveraged and leveraged IRR, the unleveraged and leveraged NPV, and the propertys implied value as determined by a DCF and comparable property sales. Toward the end, youll use this output to structure a private equity investment recommendation and weave the Excel analysis into your written document. Then, youll complete an optional final lesson on income taxes, capital gains taxes, and depreciation recapture taxes, and youll see how they impact this deal. Youll estimate the tax liabilities for all of those, and youll also learn why real estate models often ignore taxes. Case Study 2 Value Added Office Acquisition 4. Milk Street BostonThis case study, by contrast, is more about the modeling process and writing the correct formulas in Excel. You will analyze a Class B office complex in the Downtown area of Boston that currently has a 2. Your firm will seek to reduce the vacancy rate and boost rents via renovations, so this is classified as a value added opportunity. You will start by analyzing the market data, the rent roll, and the profiles of existing tenants. Then, you will forecast rents, rent abatement free months, turnover downtime, absorption, and general vacancy on a tenant by tenant, monthly basis. While you often use ARGUS for some of these tasks, its also important to learn how to set up the formulas manually in Excel without additional software. You will then project tenant improvements TIs and leasing commissions LCs for each tenant on a monthly basis, also factoring in the differences between existingrenewal tenants and brand new ones. This entire model is split up into all existing tenants renew and no existing tenants renew cases because of the average lease term and the assumed lease renewal probabilities. After finishing the monthly schedules, you will roll up everything into an annual Pro Forma model, add in support for the acquisition and the debt schedules, including TI and LC holdbacks, and analyze the deal via key metrics and ratios, sensitivities, and a waterfall returns schedule for the Limited Partners LPs and General Partners GPs. Finally, you will draft a 2. Case Study 3 Opportunistic Pre Sold Condo Development V House So PauloThis case study blends elements of the first and second cases, and also incorporates some of the courses earlier lessons on the office complex development. You will analyze V House, a 3. So Paulo, Brazil, and make a recommendation on whether or not your private equity firm should invest in the development. Since this is a brand new property being built from the ground up and seeking selling prices above the median for the city it is classified as an opportunistic deal. Youll start by setting up the construction timeline for the project and splitting the condo pre sales into initial, construction phase, and final deposits. Then, you will project the Hard Costs, Soft Costs, Developer Fees, and Land Acquisition Costs, and use them to determine the required debt and equity draws each month, as well as the debt repayment and interest expense. You will then build a Waterfall Returns schedule for the development and allocate the returns to the developers and third party investors over three IRR tiers. Youll finish by completing sensitivity tables, an annual financial summary, a transaction summary, and the Sources Uses schedule. In the last lesson, you will complete a 2. The last part of each case study above the investment recommendation is whats missing from every other financial modeling training program book overpriced classroom seminar. Yes, they show you the formulas.