A 2and a light. Vehicular doors of a garage. DgOufck/WSc-GEaUtdI/AAAAAAAAAW0/ZvomK1MWXdElbghFV4XxKojgXH35S8E3ACLcB/s1600/GFCI%2Bwiring%2Bdiagram%2Bmultiple%2Boutlet%2Bcolor%2Bcode.jpg' alt='Gfci Outlet Install Red Wired' title='Gfci Outlet Install Red Wired' />A minimum of one GFCI protected. Article 2. 10 5. Article 2. A 2. The. light that is installed to serve the inside of the garage, and controlled at. You may decide on an option to install. The first option using a three way switch serving the same light. Any second switch at any second service. There. is an exception available considering the stoop light. If you have a dusk to. A ground fault circuit interrupter GFCI, also called Ground Fault Interrupter GFI or Residual Current Device RCD is a device that shuts off an electric power. Article 2. 10 7. A 2 Exception If you desire to provide more wiring you might want to check the following. All readily accessible receptacles. GFCI protected. Article 2. A 1 The following exceptions can apply, if they meet the requirements of the. If a duplex receptacle is located behind a large appliance such. GFCI. protection is not required to protect that duplex receptacle serving those. Article 2. 10 8 A 2 Exc. If a single receptacle. GFCI protection is also not required. Article 2. 10 8 A 2 Exc. If. a receptacle serving that large appliance is located so that it is readily. GFCI. Article 2. 10 8 A Exc. If you have a washer and a gas dryer, and the receptacle is designed so that. GFCI protection is not required, in this particular scenario. If you have receptacles out of reach not readily accessible such. GFCI protection is not required. These receptacles would not be considered. If you use normal lighting fixtures that are constructed. GFCI protection is not required. A light fixture with a receptacle mounted on the fixture must be GFCI protected. Article 2. 10 8 A 2. Any. receptacle dedicated as large appliance equipment, and that is not GFCI protected. Article 2. 10 8 A 2 Hazardous Locations Involving Garages There is a statement in the NEC that says you must not have electrical wiring. Class 1 hazardous location. Article 5. 11 3 A This. NEC requirement applies only to commercial garages, not residential garages. Residential garages are exempt from this requirement. Code Mute Be. careful of this rule. A detached garage may be declared by the authority. Article 9. 0 4 This ruling as to whether a detached. Special Circuits and Considerations in Design Outside receptacles, basement receptacles, and garage receptacles can be. GFCI device. If a kitchen or a bathroom is installed. Kitchen and bathroom receptacles must. Kitchen and bathrooms must have their own 2. Article 2. 10 5. B 2 and Article 2. C You should refer to wiring a kitchen. Type of GFCI Protective Devices to Choose From There are two forms of GFCI protective devices. You may use a receptacle. GFCI protective device, or a breaker style GFCI protective device. Both. devices are designed to be installed at the beginning of the. Do not install GFCI receptacles for more than. GFCI receptacle. as the first receptacle on that circuit and then install a normal receptacle. A breaker style GFCI protective device is designed. GFCI protective. device incorporated as one unit, and installed in the distribution panel. The receptacle style GFCI protective device. GFCI protective. device, incorporated as one unit and installed as the first receptacle on the. The receptacle style GFCI protective device is designed to protect. GFCI device installed on that same circuit coming. GFCI protective device located as the first receptacle on the. You might want to compare the cost factor between a. GFCI protective device, and the receptacle style GFCI protective. When you compare the difference in cost remember to price the normal. GFCI device compared to the breaker style. GFCI protective device, and a normal receptacle as required in each wiring. I suspect you will find the GFCI receptacle, and normal. GFCI breaker. Both devices will do the. NEC minimum requirements. Its your choice. Special Receptacle Configuration Designs Exempt From GFCI If you are using a circuit that is rated 2. GFCI protection is required. Number of Receptacles Allowed on a Branch Circuit Calculating the maximum number or receptacles allowed on a circuit. If you have a question as to how many receptacles are allowed on a circuit. This is allowed in Article 2. Actually if allowed by your Electrical Inspector you could discard the 8. If you discarded the 2. Just consider. what you plan to do in that garage and dont install more than the 1. If your inspector. Article 2. 10 1. Special Design Requirements Involving Motors Dedicated branch circuit design for motors only. If you are utilizing motors, or other such equipment, then you would have. Va. for 1. 2 ga., or 1,4. Va for 1. 4. ga. for continuous use at 8. Forum Hack Black Ops Ps3 Ign there. Branch circuit conductors serving a single motor would be sized by Article 4. That answer will tell you the required ampacity of that. Table 3. 10 1. 6. Article 1. 10 1. C. Remember the ampacity. Also remember that Article 2. D is not exempt from consideration. Article 2. 40 3 D would not be allowed to be used. This exemption is for motors, only. If you have more than one motor, or motors and other loads on that feeder. The total amps you come up with would be the ampacity requirement. Article 4. 30 2. Also. Article 2. 10 2. A Remember, also, that for dwelling premises. Article 2. 10 2. B C For single circuit. Article 2. 40 3 D is. Code. When dealing with motors you may use the. Table 3. 10 1. 6 which is a bit. Remember these higher. Table 3. 10 1. 6 concerning these conductors. Most single phase motors contain. Articles 4. 30 3. Check the name plate of the motor, and you should find a block on that name. Tin that block on the. If so, then you have a thermally protected motor. For circuits with more than. Ga. is good for. 1. Ga. is good for 2. Ga. is good for 3. Ga. is good for 4. Article 2. 40 3 D A single motor load using the larger ampacity. Ga. ,1. 2 Ga, or 1. Ga found in Table 3. An arc welder would usually be rated at 6. Therefore a 6. Ga. Romex with an equipment grounding conductor containing a black, white and. No neutral. would be used. Most wire style welders are much smaller in amp loads. Check. you wire style welder such as a mig or tig for the amp rating on its name plate. You can now find available a wire welder that is 2. A 2. 0 amp breaker with 1. Grnd Romex installed as the garage. Just check your. name plate, checking amp rating, and if 1. A thought for future, if you build a detached garage try to keep in mind. You might. want to install your welder plug, and or a 1. GFCI protected convenience. Another thought, if you have a welder, that you may weld both. An article. in the code allows you to install two welder plugs in opposite ends of your garage. The reason you can do this. This. should be considered as a non coincidental load as referred in Article 2. Just an extra thought for you to ponder. Form of Disconnect Required for Motorized Equipment Please keep in mind that the Code requires a form of disconnect on all equipment. Article 4. 22 3. There is an exception allowing the breaker. Article 4. 22 3. B If. Both requirements must be met to be considered as within. Article 1. 00 A receptacle may serve as a form of disconnect, if it is not a convenience. A non fused disconnect may serve as a disconnect Article 4. Article 2. 40 2. A second fuse.