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XP, 3. 2 bit and 6. Simply double click the downloaded file to install it. Update. Star Free and Update. Star Premium come with the same installer. Update. Star includes support for many languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian and many more. VMware-ESXi-Free-license-before.png' alt='Vmware Vsphere 4 License Keygen Learning Technologies' title='Vmware Vsphere 4 License Keygen Learning Technologies' />You can choose your language settings from within the program. HP 3. PAR STORESERV 7. NODE ADMINISTRATORS MANUAL Pdf Download. HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface Administrators Manual HP 3. PAR OS 3. 1. 2 Abstract This manual is for all levels of system and storage administrators. This guide provides instructions for installing the HP 3. PAR CLI and using the CLI to configure and manage HP 3. PAR storage systems. HP Part Number QR4. Published September 2. Edition 1. Copyright 2. Hewlett Packard Development Company, L. P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 1. Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U. S. Government under vendors standard commercial license. Contents 1 Installing the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface. About the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface. Supported Platforms. System Requirements. Disk Space Requirements. Installation. Before Installation. Graphical Installation on Windows. Command Line Installation on Solaris and Linux. Setting the Path to the CLI on Solaris and Linux. Troubleshooting the Installation. Removing the HP 3. PAR CLI. On Windows. Running the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface. Global Options and Environment Variables. General Control and Help Commands. Commands with Column Help. Using SSL. Setting the TPDSOCKSSL Environment Variable on Solaris and Linux. Setting the TPDSOCKSSL Environment Variable on Windows. Using the sockssl Option. Setting the CLI Client Network Port. Setting the TPDSYSNAME Environment Variable. Viewing Domains. Modifying a Domain. Changing a Domain Name. Adding Comments to a Domain. Removing a Domain. Managing Domain Objects. Moving Domain Objects to Another Domain. Removing the Domain Association from a Domain Object. Managing Virtual Domain Autonomic Groups. Creating Virtual Domain Sets. Adding Virtual Domains to Virtual Domain Sets. Modifying Virtual Domain Sets. Removing Virtual Domain Sets. Common Provisioning Group CLI Commands. Creating a Common Provisioning Group. Modifying a Common Provisioning Group. Setting Snapshot Space Usage Warnings. Owners Manual For 2006 Mazda Mx 5 1999 Workshop Model. Setting a Common Provisioning Groups Autogrow Size. Consolidating Common Provisioning Group Space. Removing a Common Provisioning Group. Virtual Volume Types. Fully Provisioned Virtual Volumes. Thinly Provisioned Virtual Volumes. Virtual Volume CLI Commands. Promoting a Virtual Copy. Modifying a Virtual Copy. Removing a Virtual Copy. Creating a Group of Virtual Copies. Physical Copies. Creating an Offline Physical Copy. Creating an Online Physical Copy. Creating a Group of Physical Copies. Resynchronizing a Physical Copy. Resynchronizing a Group of Physical Copies. Promoting a Physical Copy. Creating an Online Copy. Dismissing an Existing SED. Data Encryption Commands. Managing Events and Alerts. Overview. Checking the Status of a System. Monitoring and Managing Alerts. Viewing Alerts. Setting an Alert State. Removing an Alert. Setting System Alerts. Setting the Raw Space Threshold Alert. Monitoring and Managing the Event Log. Viewing the Event Log. Removing the Event Log. System Scheduler. System Scheduler Commands. Displaying Scheduled Tasks. Scheduling Tasks. Modifying a Scheduled Task. Suspending and Resuming Scheduled Tasks. Removing Scheduled Tasks. Adaptive Optimization. Adaptive Optimization Conversion. Creating an Adaptive Optimization Configuration. Displaying an Adaptive Optimization Setting. Modifying an Adaptive Optimization Configuration. Removing an Adaptive Optimization Configuration. Virtualization Software. Reporting. Event Management. Using the HP 3. PAR SNMP Infrastructure. Overview. The HP 3. PAR SNMP Agent. Locating the HP 3. PAR MIB. Notify Traps. Registering an SNMP Manager. Viewing Registered Managers. Removing a Manager. Agent Community Strings. Testing SNMP Managers. Creating SNMPv. 3 Users. Viewing SNMPv. 3 Users. Removing SNMPv. 3 Users. Documentation feedback. A Mapping Roles and Rights. PAR AO Role. PAR RM Role. Basic Edit Role. Browse Role. Create Role. Edit Role. Service Role. Super Role. B Mapping Rights and CLI Commands. Mapping Rights and CLI Commands. Index. Contents. 1 Installing the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface The purpose of this chapter is to provide instructions for installing and uninstalling the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface. About the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface Use the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface CLI to monitor, manage, and configure HP 3. PAR storage systems. Installation on Solaris and Linux page 1. The installation packages default to a command line installation on UNIX systems and graphical installation on Windows systems. Before Installation Prior to installing the HP 3. PAR CLI Shut down all active HP 3. PAR CLI sessions. Disable any virus checking software. The lt version is the current release version, for example 3. Troubleshooting the Installation The Install. Anywhere application creates an error log named install. If you encounter a failure while installing the HP 3. PAR CLI, please provide the install. If you do this, you must fully uninstall the previous version using the provided uninstaller before installing a new version. Multiple versions of the HP 3. PAR CLI can reside on the same client system simultaneously. By default, the HP 3. PAR CLI is installed in the following locations On Windows C Program Files3. PARinformclilt version. Managing User Accounts and Connections Learning About User Accounts In order to access an HP 3. PAR storage system you must have a user account. Each HP 3. PAR CLI user is assigned a role, and each role is assigned a set of rights. The roles and rights assigned to the CLI user determine which tasks the user can perform with a system. Table 2 HP 3. PAR CLI User Roles continued User Roles Rights Assigned to Roles 3. PAR AO Rights are limited to internal use by HP for Adaptive Optimization operations. PAR RM Rights are limited to internal use by HP for Recovery Manager operations. Default User Accounts During the HP 3. PAR storage systems moment of birth operation, the following HP 3. PAR CLI user accounts are created. Reference. For more information about user roles and rights, see Learning About User Accounts page 1. To view a list of the available roles on a system, issue the showrole command. To view a list of the available rights on a system, issue the showrole lstrights command. To view the rights assigned to a specific role, issue the showrole lt rolename. NOTE The first HP 3. PAR storage system user account created must have a role with the right to create additional users. If the first user created has limited rights, the ability to configure the system will be restricted. The lt objectset set rights include the right to remove the object. For example, the vvsetset right includes the right to remove virtual volume sets. To view a list of users, the user roles, and user domain associations, issue the showuser command. For more information about the showuser command, see the HP 3. PAR Command Line Interface Reference.